But I received some shiny gifts too!
Wanna see them?
I want lie, the first one is my favourite, it's hand drawed!!
(click to make it bigger)
I case you don't know who they are, watch "Chuck"!
(Click to make it bigger)
chuck_charles Peter had traveled, seen the world’s most beautiful site. Out of everything he had seen, nothing had ever taken his breath away, like seeing Olivia holding their baby daughter. His mind couldn’t wrap around the fact he and Olivia had made something so amazing. With the world literally falling apart around them out of hate he and Olivia created a perfect angel out of love.
Olivia finished feeding the baby and held her close. “What are you thinking about?”
Peter smiled but didn’t answer. He got up and walked over to the bed. He kissed Olivia softly then took the baby from her. He held his daughter close to his heart and placed soft kisses on top of her head. He wouldn’t admit to anyone but the smell of baby lotion and power was his new favourite scent. “We need a name for this little girl.” He sat down still holding the tiny bundle close.
“What about Elizabeth?” Olivia yawned as she snuggled down into the bed.
Peter loved that Olivia would want to name their daughter that, but he had other idea. “Hope. How does Hope sound?”
Olivia smiled as her eyes lids started to fall closed. “Hope, Hope Elizabeth Bishop...I like it.” A few moments later she was asleep.
“Well Hope, daddy wants to tell you a story.” He shifted the baby so he could look at her. “Once upon a time there was this beautiful girl named Olivia.....”