First of all, this entry is not to be taken seriously.
If after seeing this you think I had some Lysergic Acid Diethylamide while making it, well, I wouldn't fault you...
I hope this can get someone to smile, God knows some people in my flist need it *hugs her entire flist*
Whitouth further ado, I leave you with...
Let's start with a Limerick:
Have you seen her flying in the air?
Super-cow protects us from up there
Behind black and white she hides
And through the air, she glides
Bad guys from the other side, beware
Sure that's not enough, why not add some MACROS:
And to finish this, let's go dancing with Gene's spanish Cousins!!!
We have a MINI-MIX!
1. El Baile de las Vacas2. La Vaca Lechera3. La Vaca Estudiosa4. La Vaca Lola Image of the dancing cow by: