(no subject)

Oct 28, 2004 03:42

OK so lets see Ive finally gottenover ALexes but now I found another girl and I really lIke her liek she wants all the same thign s I want to and yes guys IM being careful this time and not getting too much into until it really becomes something but idk like this girl her names ALicia wow you knwo what I just noticed Im always liking girls that their names start with an A. lol like lets see Amanda, ALexes, and ALicia and shit wow well Erin well you see kinda lol if you spell it the guy way then it would be an A bt whatever lol pass that subject okey first of all I think that this entry is gonan be long cuz right now I have noone to talk to on AIM cuz everyones asleep and or had to get off cuz of their mom hahaha you know who you are :-* well see the thing is that idk ALicia wants the same things that I want out of a relationship and shes gone through what Ive been through and she does the same that I do which is putting everything on the line for a relationship. yeha thanks Adrien for helpng me realized that and now Im gonna do thing s that will help this relationship which I hope will become and I wont put everythign on the line and liek idk she just awesome cuz like she likes video games which is a BIG plus cuz iM a nerd and I love video games and and she'll travel the distance just to see me and Ill do the same I mean come on I used to go to San YSidro for croicks sake and thats fucking far and now I only have to walk a short walk well kinda short but long at he same tiem to the 5 bus stop and the just ride it all the way to her house its fuckin awesome. kinda like LIttle nicky woudl say "AlIcia is FUCKING AWESOmE!" ok so Im gonna take her with me to JRs party on friday I still need to find red hair dye and wqhite string so I can be a tampon well forget the string I just need to dye my hair white and does anyone have any white shoes that are size 10 and a half or 11 cuz I need them cuz my white shoes I spraypainted them a while ago hahahaha ye sI love spray paitn and Ive come to the decision that Im a junkie well ntop a big junkie but liek I dont know I dont get cravings for any drug or anythign liek that and shit. hahah well yeha I get cravings for certain things liek um candys somethign and kisses! heheheheh thanks to alicia for making me realize that hehehe and gee thats about it beside the fact that since I cant find a job IM gonna brun a bunch of copies of video games and go and sell themn in TJ and thats what Im gonna do to help support my parents and my sister yeha me and my dad got that IDea cuz its so easy for me to do since Im always doing something on the computer and shit and I can speak spanish and shit so I can have a convo with the people that go to buy. and um lets see me and my dad are gonna try and get a fishing lures and fishing trip company going and SId is gonna be the webmaster for that since he has experience in that field and I have some but not as much so yeha hes my business partner and so is my dad and lets see IM also gonna go out and buy jean jackets and make vests and sell them on ebay and Ill make pants too and SId's gonna help with that and my dads gonna have the authority so hes gonna be theboss like and shit at the moment I think IM gonna set this as private and then release it to the public aka you gys my friends lol I heart all of you thnak sfor helpign me in whatever you helped me with.lol thats one of the loves that hasnt failed yet which is the love I get from my friends and Im going for one more shot at love from the opposite sex and if it fails then Im gonna start workin the corners well not realyl but yeha then Im not gonna get a gf for sometime if this doesnt work out :-D but hopefully teh TJ thing gets booming I think it will I already have a lot of games I just need to get a new harddrive and a cd labeler and I think me and my dad are gonna go to frys and get the hardrive and the cd laebeler and IM gonna be soo happy when I get the new HArddrive IM gonna download more musci and video games I hope my dad buys me a big one and its gonna help a lot cuz whenI go to download video games I usually dont have enough Gigs to be able to enter the hub :( but now I will so far I got liek 11 gigs of music which is a fucking buttLoad and yeah Im gonna download more and burn cds I just might sell cds too you know burn em and LAbel em with the label that it has and sell them hahah YES! and Ill have all sorts of people buying cds from me cuz I got all sorts of music from liek every type of punk to grindcore some death metal and some emo and all sorts of shit and MAROON 5 hahahah fuck you adriene but that was a funny joke lol ok wow this is getting really fucking long I should write a book about my life and how junies can get outta school and start a business hahaha fuck you who say junkies arent worth a shit and lets see me and Adriene wanna start a crust band ohyeha its gonna be fucking rad cuz then I will be able to write songs cuz shit I can write about that shit and I had no clue what kind of songs to write about in the other badn but I think Im gonna come up with a cool crazy ass name that will have a kick ass meaning to it hahahahaha its kinda funny to think about it me and Adriene making a crust band adn I dont know whop else is gonna be in the badn but IM gonna laugh if most of us tunr out to be street punks hahahah its funyn cuz CLio calls me a STreet punk adn Raphy calls me a crust punk idk I just thought that was really funny I guess Im like idk a crossover punk? cuz you knwo I cross the line of street and crust hahahahah oh yeha d emo too so idk I guess Im just not on the division chart of crusts and punks hahaha oh yeah and lets see Adrine say that he think he can now classify me as a crust even though I dont really like Calssification unless its for liek work or something but i think its funny how you can call someone somthing just cuz of there beliefs and how they look I mean come on now we are all human and thats what matters and life is precious and harsh so we gotta deal with things and stand up against what we belive is wrong and should be changed for the better for all of us. ok now off of that subject Im gettign a bit carried away here even though tehre is no real subject besdies this is just so everyone know sthat IM not dead IM not tryign to avoid anyone and IM feeling good and Im happy about that :-D and I like someone which is another thign Im happy about and to think this all started cuz of my great grandpa's birthday cuz that where I frist met ALicia :-D and she got my number from my mom but she never called :( but its ok cuz she had a reason why not to call she thought that I wouldnt like her and know look at this Im writing all about her in my LJ hahahaha thats funny in a way and cool! and Iliek ALicia cuz i can talk to her about my past or other girls and just stuff like that dn she dont get mad or sad or like anything like that she doesnt get upset from it and I liek that lot cuz I liek to talk about my friends and a good majority of my friends are girls and I hope ALicia can trust me if we do get together cuz liek i dontknow I really like her now hahahah I bet adriene is gonna say something like this sounds like when you met ALexes or like when you met Erin well its different now cuz I mena now I know what my problem was and that was putting everything on the line and I think Im gonna do that again but IM gonna be responsible about it. and Im gonna watch what I do and take care of me and her if we get togetehr. GEE I really hope we do I feel liek a school and I want to make love to you <-- Recital I want to make love to a school boy <--when its really said to the girl LMAO hahahaha fuckin DUMb adn DUmber I love that movie hahahahaah dang and to think he traveled all that way just to find out that was was married awwww thats sad that kinda soundslike something I usally do I travel all the distance just to get my heartbroken but eh whatever I dont I dont regret it I had good times and I had bad times and it was worth it to travel all that way and to get in so much trouble and no Im not just tlakign about my last relationship IM tlaking about all of them and some I woudl do over again well except for the heart break part and thats what I wana do with ALicia I wanna relive all those moments with someone I can really caref or an that can care for me and that loves me and that I love dang I guess Im really an emo kid at heart lol heheheh oh and I got alot of cool points with ALicia cuz of who I am its great and she says that shell help me and love me awww now Im really feeling liek a emo loser but its ok I dont care what you think IM a emo loser and proud of it! :-D hahahah yeah but even though I listen to anit-flag and they think emo sucks Idont care I like the rest ok now Im gonna get into the subjet of bands that sellout and how i still like em liek lets see rancid and anti-flag and the casualties and chumbawamba! gawd thsoe guys are fucking sic like I dont care if they sold out I will still listen to them and call me a poser if you like cuz I think it really doesnt matter if you a poser or not and who said there was a rule book hahahah yeha thats right as long as you like the musci its fine by me and if you dont liek it then thats fine by me too! but once you cross the line of prejudice and discrimination adn hate and greed then you need a lesson thaught to you, hahahah I love to learn and I like having a convorsation that I learn thats why I liek talking to CLIo shes awesome shes funyn adn she has taught me a couple thing s Im glad I have her as a friend :-D and lets see theres JR yeha JR did stuff with AManda while me and her were going out but actually Im glad that happened cuz now shes pregnant and IM glad Im not with her still cuz then Id be the dad and I dont wanna be a dad yet. but JR is fun to hangout with IM gonna go to his HAlloween party wait I already said that hahahahah well anyways theres more people IM glad I met and befriended liek Adriene I rememerb I think the first thign he said to me was "Are you gay?" and I thought that was really fucking funny and Im glad I have him as my best friend cuz hes liek a brother to me wait nvm he is a brother and so JR and Ralph and lets ee who else umm Jessika YAra well I met her way back when but Im glad I remet her Idont knwo if that makes sense or not but eh whatever andlets ee ALexes and AManda and AManda adn Amdanda hahahah thats liek three amandas!! hahaha thats funny and adn Erin she was so much fun even though she had her edgey parts I wanna hangout with her again sometime soon and lets see fernie a lot fo you prolly dont know him and marino same there and lets see celene heh my first "Love" and lets see um who else is there umm MIke MIke and MIke and um brad adn fito and lets see who else adn ALicia cant forget her heheheh and um geez this sucks cuz people are gonna be like hey you forgto me and shit hahahaah. and lets see cheyyenne cuz I rememerb I had the biggest crush on her well my first crush since I broke with amanda at the time. and lets see and um JErry and Jim and Bob and Luis and MAry Adn JOANNA ok and those names were just random names hahahah and llets see someone else that had a big influence on my life hmmm MY DAD! YEAH HES THE FUCKING GREATEST I NEVER WANT TO HAVE A DIFFERENT DAD EVEN THOUGH i GET MAD AT HIM AND HE GETS MAD AT HIM I LOVE THATGUY HES TAKEN CARE FO ME AND STOP LOT SOF BAD THING S FROM HAPPENING TO ME AND HE IS SO AWESOME TO GET FUCKED UP WITH CUZ WE TALK AND TALK AND JUST TRY AND GET GOING IN LIFE WITH A MONEY SCHEME AND I SERIOULY THINK I H=FOUND ONE THAT I REALLY LIEK AND IM GONNA GO THROUGH WITH IT SO MY MOM WILL SEE THAT ME AND MY DAD ARENT JUST A COUPLE OF JUNKIES THAT DO NOTHNG EXCEPT FIX THE HOUSE AND SHIT hahahah yeah and whoever else I forgot I love you too I love all my friends and shit and i love my xbox cuz its been my companion wheni cant sleep and im glad they made xbox live cuz thats how i keep myself from gettinglonely at night when theres noone to talk to and I think im gonna play when im done here well iM gonna check to see if I have any commetns which I doubt and i doubt anyone will wnat to read this if you do read this the whole thing leave me a comment and tell me you read it i think clio will read it cuz shes always bugging me to update adn she alwasy critizes thing si put on here and she helped me get over Alexes alot cuz shed always tell me to stop putting such bullshjit thing s in my profile and shit hahahah no hard feeling so to ALexe I still love you but as a frined IM not IN love with you no moe girl hahahahah and lets see um yeah thats about it. and then. no thats it Im done oderin. and then. no no see all I want is the orange chicken then srhimp fried rice. and the soup!. oh and the soup. and the cookies fortune. and the cooki er frotune cookies and thats it!. and then. and then you can put it in a brown paper bag and come put it in my hadn cuz Im ready to eat!. and then . no no no and then. and then. no and then. and then. no adn then, and then. no and then. ok enough of that gawd I really hope me and ALicica can get togetehr cuz idk I really like her like I love the fact that she likes to do a lot of stuff that I liek to do! :-D liek play video games! on eof my favorite things to do. ok so Im gonna either go and play Phantasy Star Online or finish making those orange pants I was gonna make a while ago but never did heheheheh well yeah I alos gotta sew up my white pants and find red hair dye I think iM gonna call amanda and ask her if she has red hair dye she'll give me some cuz shes cool like that :-D and then once i dye my hair Im gonna see if I somewhat resemble a tampon I think thats got to be one of the greatest Ideas for a haloween costuem its o orginal hahah thanks to JR for that Idea and to me for think of the rooster costuem idea which inspired the tampon costume. oh yeha you know it! its a great ass Idea heheeh fuck Im so lonely cuz everyones sleeping! man fuck you guys no jk although I did finally get to really update my LJ ahahahahahh I was gonna do it the other day when I made that short one but I was too stoned lol and now look at me Im all full of energy at liek what 3:30 am in the morning I think IM just gonna stay up all night so I ahve a head start on tommorow yeha I dont think Ill be too tired heheheh or I might not be tired at all but tommorows a busy day and IM gonna get at this job Im gonna push for it and Im gonna beg my dad to buy the hardrive and CD LABELER hahahah ye sthats gonan be awesome so if you guys wanna buy some PLaystation games or want em to MOd you playstation or whatever you want me to mod just tell me and Ill give you a discount Ill just have you pay fro the MOd-chip and a little labor fee for the installation and it wont be as much as having a mod-chip company do it fro you I just have to not get caught doing this business cuz it is Illegal here abut not in Mexico! ohyeah cuz thats where im gonna spen like half of everyday and then once I get my liscense I can go myself and just sit there adn sell video games and mod-chips and my dad can sit at home modding all the things I bring adn this is gonan cost money to start and Im gonna push at it REAL hard to get it going cuz I dont want to waste a bunch of monye on nothign Ive done enough of that. hahaha well I gotta be more money aware and when I get my cell phone after I get the compnay going then IM gonna be very careful with it cuz of the billing I got my cell phone taken away cuz I though my free minutes started at 7 like it says on the commercial and it turned out that not all plans have the saem free minute start time so all those calls around seven got my cell taken away :( so dont call my cell cuz its my mom snow and dont send me raunchy text messages or anything like that that my mom woudl get mad for cuz if you do ooooo Ill be sooo mad if I get introuble cuz on of you guys send me a dumb text message hahah but eh whatever ok so now how many times did I sayI was gonna stop I just cant stop liek my fingers keep moving and typing my every thought uhoh what if I start to think dirty thoughts like um falling in mud and not tkaing a shower for a while well Ive gotten used to beign that dirty thats how I got the nickname dirty D you know people think its just a nickname that Im like dirty minded or something but no Its cuz I really am dirty and if you dont liek that tehn ysome friend you are hahahahahah we should be friedns and not enemies cuz an enemy is a obstacle that we put up ourselves without though and it makes thign s harder ye sI know beign friends with a lot of people can be hard or damn writers block well its mor elike thinkers block damn I keep runnign off the subject but yeha being friends with everyone can be hard cuz some people dont wanna be your friend thats when you gotta face em and straighten things out heheheh well liek idk ok so anyways I feel liek thi sis all a dream just the whole great easy company Idea and ALicia begin like me a lot its so great it just feels liek a dream I hope i have a good life and that I can make money to help others yeha I know what your thinking diego if you had the money you woudlnt help others but I have to say to that is "BULLSHIT!" cuz you knwo I am a very generous perosn like that time at the beach I eman I just barely met bobbie and a couple of ,the now good friends, people tehre I bought them all food well the ones that asked and sometimes Im too generous like Ill have a hundred bucks and Ill treat everyone to food or some thign lk ethat and by the end of the day IO only got like 52 censt and shit but I also feel good cuz I fed everyone adn I was generous and did a good deed if only everyone was good thi splace woudl be a awesome world well it could be boring to think about it but then again you dont live in that life and you dont know how youd feel cuz youd be raised different and shit its funyn how different people all have different preferences and its all cuz of how they were raised liek think about that what if you rparnets listened to led zepplin instead of snoop dogg or if your parents went on vacations alot youd be a totally differetn person liek even for little things liek if they cooked you breakfast everymorning it can all effect a person such little thigns and to think that at the end of it all it didnt really mean anything except for good times and bad times so I believe we should just try and have fun everyday and enjoy your life while you still have ti cuz you knwo no one knows if we are reincarnated or if we just die and thats it everyone has their beliefs but noone really knos its just weird like thta how you never know what will happen nextor how you never know that your gonna die in the next instant cuz you cnat die anywhere from anything. I mean it could be like in donnie darko and a jet engine could fall on you while Im typing this and while your sleeping or I mean you could ide while having sex you could have a an orgasm and your body cant take it and you get something lieka heart attack or something hahah its just funny how this whole thing Im typing really leads to nothing but yet it leads to something liek someone can give me a reply that cna change my whole views on anythign life love money music and its just crazy to think about.  ok well enough about that today I relived my childhood from when I was a little kid to now cuz i was in SAn Yisdro and it all satrted at James' house knowone know shim hes not a teen he's an old guy but a really funyn adn cool old guy. hahaha and he toaght me some neat tricks today to enhance my smoke abilities lol hahah I loev the wayI talk about it liek a video game or like IM a super heroe and i got super powers hahahawell anyways me and my dad went to look at our friend mark's new boat well it wasnt new but yeah and it looke alot like our old boat and I just fetl like a little kid and then we went ot the apartmenst where I used to live and to see who still lives tehre and thn just everyturn or stop my dad made was just liek when I was a little kid it was one of the greatest trips Ive had and then liek my dad and one of the guys that still lives there were talking an deveyrthign went like when i was alittle kid and just the goodbyes and the hellos and everything and then we drove down the street adn it was just all like I was a little fucking kid like I relived my chilhood and so on all over again and then we just drove everywhere and it was liek I was growing up again and Im glad Im getting a QP of this shit of at least I hope i am it takes a lot more to getyou high but it has some of the most awesome trips hahaha yeha its great shit i need some music. ok well I think Im really gonna stop now cuz this is prolly gonan take up your whole friends page and shit and as a final note and/or summary I really plan on working hard to get ready for my future and so I can have a good places to stay which will prolly look dirty when I live on my own hahahah its gonna be nice on the outside and fucking dirty on the inside but not like dirty with roaches and shit even though i believ that they are in fact amazing creatures cuz they can live about a week without a head its crazy but if you doit to them its cruel yeah theyre just insects but they live too I mean think about it if you were walking around and something bigger saw you and thought you were dirty and/or disgusting and they just stomped on you adn killed you  that would suck thats why Im gonna get on of those repeller thigns  that drives them away cuz I dont want them in my hosue and I dont wanna kill em cuz i feel bad but hanyways IM fisnishing up even I keep saygin that and I havetn I just started its kinda liek my life I said a couple thign s and I started but never finished but now i am gonna finish cuz I believe I want to maek this the turning point in my life where I stop getting in trouble an dnot caring about mysefl and just about others to carign about myself and other as well but i mena come on now you need to have good health to help other get into good heatlth yah know? heheheh ok now this is teh end of this huge ass entry in which I probably repeated everything like 283567264923b million times hahahaha ok well good-night and I love you all <333333333333333333

HI My name is Diego whats yours?
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