This top post, not matter how old, is always the most relevant post regarding Sycophant Hex on the whole.
I just wanted to say that we are officially paid up until June 1, 2025. I am incredibly grateful to everyone that has been kind enough to send a donation - we were able to cover the entire $385 as well as the small $15 domaine name fee this year solely based on your wonderful support.
We are still limping along with the E-Fiction software - I have not found a suitable replacement, unfortunately.
This means if you register to create a new account or have lost/forgotten/can't access you account and need a new password, you have to email to get a new password created for you so you can access the site.
When you email for a password I need to know:
Archive name (ie Ashwinder, Occlumency or one of the others):
pen name/user name chosen:
email address on the account (even if you no longer have access to it):
Please be patient while you wait for a response - it can take up to ten days before a new password has been sent to you, depending on work schedules, holiday and school scheduled and whatnot. If you haven't received an email response back within 15 days, please email again, as the original email may have gone astray.
Again, I am always extremely grateful of for all of the donations that anyone sends our way. Sycophant Hex has always been free to use; I cannot express how very thankful I am to everyone whom donated, your contribution has allowed us a place where you can find the fan fiction you would like to read for free.
As always, we understand if you are unable to donate - the one thing I have learned with the new social work position I have, is that some of us are just one car repair away from disaster - I know all of us have suffered in some way, so if you haven't the funds, or even the inclination to, please don't sweat it, lord knows it's an effort even to get out of bed somedays. I'm just glad we can be here for another year!
If you do have a desire to donate, we have a couple of methods to use...
You can always donate directly through send a friend money on PayPal via email address or through the paypal group pay set up: LIBERAPAY
We are still using Liberapay... I know several people have expressed disatisfaction over the site because it forces a person to then use Paypal and not everyone is a fan of Paypal. I have not, unfortunately found an alternative to this that will allow someone to dontate to use without using Paypal.
The direct link is (in case the widget is unavailable or wonky): Unfortunately, Liberapay doesn't allow for a one time donation, so if you do use this, please just do a custom amount per year, then once the first transaction has gone through, discontinue it so it stops right away.
If you know of a place to set up for donations that is free and easy to use, please let us know, since we're always looking for easier options for people to use.
As we head into summer, I know many people are looking for options to download their favorite stories so that they can take them with them to read. The ebook reader, Calibre free, has a fanfic extension where you can copy and past the link of the story you want and it will convert it into whatever readable format you want (epud, pdf, mobi). Youtube has tutorials on how to work the program for this specifically.
Calibre's website: Thank you so very much, Celisnebula