i'm still sick

Jun 25, 2003 08:15

i can't believe it, but i've had a sinus infection since last thursday, and it still hasn't gone away yet. my nose is still all stuffed up; my voice is all fucked up in the early morning and later evening; my ears are still crackling; and i'm still coughing and sneezing all the time. this sucks.

i haven't had much motivation to do anything outside of work lately, although i'm not saying that i actually have motivation to be at work either. 2 times in the last week, i've gone to work 8am-5pm, and then gone home a fallen asleep until 930pm or 10pm. then i wake up, go out for a few hours, and come back home and go back to sleep, just to get up and go to work for 9 hours again. the only thing that i've been really gungho about doing is my softball team. we practiced a few times over the last week; so much that i almost threw my arm out! i barely even have motivation to get to my drums lately.

ugh... my overall mood/tone is "not good." i miss carolyn. she didn't call yesterday, and i don't think she would've called the day before if i hadn't. i think this is where the distancing starts. that depresses me a lot. it was never my intention for things to end up like this. i guess it is the way of things. but that doesn't mean i like it.

on another, more angry, note about this topic, all i have to say is that girls are dumb. i don't really know when this happened, although i have figured out why, but somewhere down the line, i'm being treated like the mega-asshole ex-boyfriend that cheated on his gf, and broke up with her for another girl. let's get 2 things straight here. #1 i NEVER cheated on carolyn. #2 i didn't break up with her for another girl. i'm not seeing anyone right now, and i don't plan on getting involved in a serious relationship for a long long long long long time. but, i guess it's the way friends and family try to help you get over someone. it's a lot quicker if you find reasons to hate that person. girls are dumb. i may be stupid for what i did, but it was the right thing to do, and it had to be done; much as i wish there was a way around it. so, for the coping techniques that i know carolyn is being offered (because she has told me about them), i think that girls are dumb.

i'm still very tired and washed out from being sick. i'll be surprised if i don't fall asleep at work today. i've already gotten bitched at about taking sick days. if i'm gonna be forced to be at work while feeling like shit, i really hope that they don't think i will be doing as good a job as i normally do, and working as fast as i normally do. that just isn't gonna happen. maybe i should go sneeze on my boss. maybe then she'll realize that i still feel like shit and probably should go home and rest so i can get better. of course, we all know that i probably wouldn't rest if i left work early though.
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