Stolen from vampire_eternal

Nov 11, 2004 23:54

1. What would You rate my personality (1 bad, 10 good)

2. What would you rate my looks (1 bad, 10 good)

3. Would you ever kiss me?

4. Would you ever think of me as more than just a "Friend"? please specify

5. Do you consider me "fuckable"?

6. Would you like to hang out more than we do now?

7. Do you think im annoying? (yes or no)

8. What do you think is my worst quality?

9. and why do you think that?

10. Will you copy this quiz into your own journal?

Mwahahahahahaha.... I did not make this lil quiz. Feel free to comment anonymously, we all know you hate me anyways. :)

Today was a fun day. Well, fun after the bad stuff. Bad day for Dan, that sucked :( Went to Dan's dorm to watch Van Helsing. Good movie. Kate Beckinsale's hot. And Dracula's brides were, too. And Dracula. And Hugh Jackman. Anyhow. Nice movie. Oh! Dan, I found Josie Maran. She's the blonde one (the hot one that died at the beginning).

Anyhow, other than that, fishies are well, and I'm recovering from whatever sort of illness I had. And! Erica might be coming up tomorrow. :D So exciting. Then Saturday I have a choir rehearsal, then I work 2-8 :( and Sunday is my choir concert. Sad.

Am tired now. Damn clothes not being done in the dryer yet... Bah. Oh well. Night all!
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