Hang one, this is gonna be short.

Jun 04, 2011 06:31

So, just to calm all those worried readers out there in cyber space, I am not suicidal at this time, and haven't been for a very long time. I have too much ego and arrogance for that shit. Granted, when it happens, I want people to demand the living will, and have its contents read, just for the hilarity that will ensue.

On other news, I am currently going on 3 days on 2 hours sleep. I think this makes me clinically not liable for my actions, but who cares about that, its what they can prove in a court of law, and such. This may get a bit ramble like. There is this dorktastic event coming up in Sept, and super special people, including some I am friends with on here, are able to purchase super special tickets, one of which I covet. They aren't cheap, and this isn't a cry to raise money, I got my own damn funds, I just have to wait for them to arrive in my account. I just find it a bit frustrating that some dick thought it would be a great sales tactic to announce the sale of each individual ticket on a public forum to rush those who can into buying one sooner. This lessons my chances of getting one, as of the 60, they are down to like 4 or less at this point. Oh wells, I will have to do something to either get my way, or drown my sorrow of not hanging with some of the people I want to hang with using the locale that I know pretty well. The sad thing is that I could care less about the signed copy of the fucking book, and the employees of this company that people are supposed to be so happy to be eating with. I have friends who are going that I want to eat with, and I also want to have the ability to critique the chef they get to cook.

For the few that haven't spoke to me, or heard this from my mouth, I am about to doom all true hopes of my future, however this will hopefully be my last ICC for the next 2-?? years. This is due to the fact that if things work out as I plan them, I will enter Graduate school in the Fall of '12, and all the programs I am looking at are very intensive, and don't leave time for things like the Cam. If I am lucky, they will leave time for me to find some girl to date on a somewhat steady basis, and by graduation, maybe, be married. Because if this plan works, I will get a job in the Govt., and I will get to move on their dime, but to take person with you, they have to be married to you.

Anyways, this was another installment of tubby white guy with a overly inflated ego, sleep deprived and on prescribed chemicals meant for insomnia. Next week we may discuss my insecurities and views of them in relation to the fact that every man has them, I just decided to double down and grab a few extras.
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