the other side

Aug 16, 2004 02:09

For those of you who read both mine and Lindsay's journal's i thought i should point out a few details that were missing from our stuff exchange today which ended in catastrophe.

Lindsay and i exchanged our things today, When i arrived at coffee bean she was already there waiting for me, i called and informed her i would be 10 minutes late. when i got out I searched for all her stuff which was in my car most i found easily, I ahd three of her textbooks in my car that she had left there. Anyways i spent like 5 minutes looking for the books I only found 2 at first, i figured she was growing impatient so i walked over and i handed her the stuff i had, and told her I couldn't find one of her textbooks.

Well she got pissed and rude, and grabbed my journal which she had and told me I couldn't have it back until i found her book. Zero tact. I just gave her the money I owed her and walked back to my car to find it with out any further argument so this could be settled obviously it wasn't going to be pretty. I get to my car, and for those of you who have seen my trunk, you know its rather difficult to find anything in there.

She runs over and makes a huge fucking scene in the middle of the parking lot screaming at me, everyone around stops and stares, I'm so embarrassed at this point that I don't want to be sucked into her negative energy and i ignore her and continue searching for her book, she's screaming all kinds of shit at me saying not only do her friends hate me but my friends think i'm an asshole too... which i know is bullshit because she doesn't talk to my friends. Nevertheless that statement pissed me off I found her book, told her to fuck off got in my car and was ready to go.

But no she had to have the last fucking word, tried to open my doors, which i locked, so she kicked my car door, I noticed later that there was I fat dent in my door, which if my dad can't fix it, sshe will be paying for. I'd rather this not happen, i'd rather not see her again.

But now I'm really pissed off I get out of my car, and I want to hit her, i want to hit her hard, but unlike in her story, i don't hit her, she actually came after me as soon as i got out of my car and walked towards her. She began swinging at me and I pushed her back out of defense, because she was entirely too hostile, and i'm not gonna hit my ex girl friend in a public place, or any other place.. I'd rather not be criminally charged... The pushing match ends she goes to her side screaming at me more, all the words are slurring because they're all the same "fuck you" do you know what you've done to me over the last 4 weeks"--nothing, i haven't spoken to you, except yesterday when she seemed receptive and ok to talk to me. At this point I had had enough she wasn't next to my car, Lindsay King is fucking insae, and I told her that right there right then. And I left, i was hardly the aggressor in this scene.

So there you have it, two sides of the story, one filled with a blur of rage and emotion, and I rational, thought out, clear version of what happened. I've hit one girl out of rage in my life and it wasn't Lindsay King.
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