hmmmmmmmm what did i do today.
me and newbie justing talked about music in 2nd period the whole time...dont you hate when kids where band tees and your like ohhh! you like them! Whats your fav song........ughhhh all of them. Loserfaces.
um. at lunch i kept grabbing wayne's balls and he got a boner. haha thats what he gets for making fun of me last night and calling me Keme. gahhhhh haha. he had a third leg in his tight pants.
ummmm i was eating harvest cheddar sun chips, while my friend justin was eating french onion
and i was like omg look *points* *justin turns head* then i put a cheddar chip in his onion bag and i started fake laughing really hard and he was all confused
and when he reached in and got the cheddar one i was like I GOT YOU GOOD THAT TIME YOU FUCKER! and started fake laughing and slapping my knees. I was acting like i was trying to pull of some cheesy joke. CHEESY! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHA I CRACK MYSELF UP!
in spanish i was sitting there taking a test, and it was all dead quiet and i drew a pic of my teacher.... and i looked at him and i burst into laughter and snorted really loud.
I miss Wayne. I really do love him. Wahhhhh.