A Gundam Wing story, Trowa and Lady Une

Jan 11, 2009 18:01

This is a Gundam Wing story centered around Trowa and Lady Une. That is the majority of what I write. Read the summary,

Title: Sour Times

Summary: Trowa gets a head injury and starts to believe he is Lady Une’s real adjutant. He doesn’t remember his past or anything to do with the Gundams. The others try to rescue him, but he’s hellbent on killing them for OZ’s sake. Named after my second favorite Portishead song, which fits nicely with this story.

Warnings: Some language. This is not your kind, genteel Trowa Barton. This analyzes if someone would have a change in personality if their past was lost. His personality does change drastically from lack of memory and brainwashing drugs.

gundam wing, lady une, trowa

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