What is your job again?

Apr 13, 2007 11:43

SO PISSED!!! I was yelling obscenities all the way to school... I still cant believe how livid I am... So as you all know my roommate is better at making messes then cleaning them up. Well, the house was SO bad when I got home this weekend that I decided to invest in a house cleaner. I just wanted to have my house scrubbed down so I could start from scratch - YES, it was THAT bad... So these 2 women show up at my house around 8 this morning (my bff has been using one of them for 9 years) and when they come in I tell them that - I know the house is a wreck. I wanted to give them 50% more then they usually get just because I knew it was a disaster (It was bad but not disgusting - it was more cluttered then anything else but I NEED clean - clutter I can handle dust and dirt on the floor kills me and I just wont have time until after NFA and my roommate can not be counted on to do anything but add to the mess) Have you ever left a tip at a restaurant that you know was way overboard but you end up leaving it for the sole purpose of making that persons day? Well I kinda felt like I was doing that for these women. I thought the idea of paying then the amount I said would be MORE then enough (and it would have been!!)
In fact they appeared happy with the deal. So they head of stairs to just take a look around and I hear one of them say, "this house has shit everywhere, what the fuck - you know what fuck this house I am tired anyway" - First of all the house wasn't that bad and second I am thinking to myself wow - this girls got balls - I ignore it and hope she has a MAJOR attitude change when she comes down the stairs.. OH I FORGOT the most important part - Elvin called this women 2 days ago and told them I don't speak Spanish so all of these comments are made loudly and right in front of me because these ass's don't think I understand espanol!

So anyway, these two women come downstairs and start doing whatever it is they do and one of them just can not stop talking shit. "Did you see that little white girls room what a pig.(she is referring to amanda who is a mess but by no means a pig - even I will admit that) "Do you see the dust in this room these people live like shit.." "This girl has probably never cleaned in her life" (and I have thank you!!! In fact I happen to be kinda a freak when it comes to things being clean in my house, which is why I am SO pissed about the condition its in right now) "Who do you think normally cleans for her? Whoever it was probably left these white girls and this fucking house." Then, just as the shame and humiliation of actually asking cleaning ladies to come clean my house one lady whips out, "If a Latina lived here this place wouldn't look like this" At this point I pipe in, -hey, you don't have to clean my house. I understand spanish and you obviously don't want to do the job so don't. It's really okay, I can't take care of it myself... blah blah blah.. get the fuck out, thanks for coming...

The whole time I am thinking who the fuck do you think you are - first off the house is NOT that bad there is just a lot of shit around... Second, kiss my ass you racist piece of shit - latina or not you just lost yourself a HELL of a lot of money and what might have been a steady client!! and Finally - What is your job again? You come over to clean my house and then are horrified to find out that it's dirty?!?!?! Are you kidding me? Are you fucking kidding me?

Then - I took my dog in to get shaved - its getting hot out and he needs to loose the mop. I take him into the groomer she asks what I want and I say - his hair is a mess it just needs to go - shave it all off except his face - and she comes over and runs her hand over his back and says with surprise -"oh, he's matted!" Um... yeah! No shit sherlock! why do you think I brought him in to get SHAVED... If his hair was long and gorgeous then f-u I'll keep it like that but He's my dog, your a groomer, I want you to groom my dog... What is your job again - oh yeah today is "I don't actually do what you pay me to do day"!!!!

Pissed doesn't even begin to express my feeling accurately. I am afraid to take my suits to the cleaner in fear she will ask me why I didn't Iron them before I brought them in... Maybe I will wait until tomorrow.... DAMN!!!
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