More checked off!

Jan 20, 2008 21:29

I have a new bike, hurrah.  Took a ride on it today, and... well, it kicked my ass.  Which is funny, because I can do fairly well on my stationary bike, but I got out into the somewhat-chilly very-dry Las Cruces air this afternoon and very shortly in (like maybe ten minutes) I was wheezing so hard I had to stop and head, much more slowly, back home.

So now I have to figure out the time and money to go to the doctor.  I've had breathing problems before--for yonks, I don't remember a time when colds didn't knock me down--but never "Oh my, I'm going to pass out," kind of moments, especially not while doing something that wasn't particularly strenuous.  I wasn't *tired* at all, just so out of breath that I was literally wheezing.

It'll be awhile before I can bike to work, but at least this is progress.
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