Aug 09, 2009 12:43
So i go in for my one to one with my manager on Friday. The area manager that hates me with a blinding passion because i actually ask questions about things she tells me to do is there...
Basically in a nutshell i am given 4 weeks notice and told to leave immediately! I havent hit the targets she has set for 3 months, which to be fair no one else has either. I was on a permenant contract and in the 11th month which i have found means total and utter bullshit to anyone.. she followed no disciplinary procedure, i recieved no warnings in the time i was there, and had a clean file. Apparently one month later it would have been unfair dismissal due to lack of procedure followed, but by law you can only file that after 1 years service.. i mean WTF.. it is either unfair or it isnt. So this woman knew EXACTLY about this and did this entirely on purpose due to that fact. I started 7th sept 2008, so if she had sat in on the next one it would have been one years service.. she spent the best part of 45 minutes trying to talk me in circles so i stick a foot in it. I however am not that stupid, so she just sat smirking at me.
I dont see how she can in anyway call this gross misconduct, as this is the only reason you can give for a dismissal like that, but i am sure she will find someway to do this... will mean they wont give me any bloody benefit for 26 weeks if she does that aswell! I think it purely was to get rid of me because she didnt like me.. she likes yes men who do everything without question, and people that kiss her ass.. not me love sorry. I cant stand people that demand respect from you who dont give it in return.. comon i am nearly 30, far too old for menopausal bullshit... if i thought something was a little off i would ask about it
When i had suspected swine flu i rang her at 12.00pm after speaking to the doctor who said go home and quarantine immediately.. she took 4 hours to get back to me, ignored about 5 phonecalls, then said she was in a meeting.. i spoke to 3 people who had spoken to her inbetween this. Her argument 'you didnt sound ill'.. i had a temp of over 100 and ached from head to foot, but obviously a phonecall can tell her if i am sick or not...
So company procedure and statute law mean fucking nothing until you have 12 months service!! So before then your contract is bullshit