Finally.. I AM ON BROADBAND! Muahahahahaaaa

Nov 25, 2007 12:50

The joy of Streamyx broadband is finally here.
I dont need 1.0Mbps or 4.0Mbps, 512Kbps is good enough.

Now I have to think of paying my RM200++ phone bills, approximately 3/4 of it is my EZNet 1315 usage.

Broadband is definitely cheap and wayyyy much better.

*evil grin*

OK what happened last week?

  • NTV7 Breakfast show - done. Hiccups everywhere but it's done.
  • AmBank NexG iTalk PrePaid MasterCard Launch - done. OK lah.
  • UrbanLive@ 1 Utama - done. OK lah. Got la 2 mags came to cover.
  • FlyFM Flyniversary - lotsa VIP and VVIP tickets with me, but no takers. That's why la, rugi who dont want to befriend me.. hahahaha next month we'll start with One In A Million - so you better be nice to me now.

Next week:
  • Prize Giving for iTalk 'Celebrate & Win' Contest (Monday) - erk. with PC..
  • Let's Click!! Let's Click!!!!!!
  • Pencarian Gadis Jelita BH @ Palace of Golden Horses - Tuesday
  • The Sun 'Vegas' Party - Friday?
  • Live & Loud KL 07 - Turn on The Pop - Saturday


I want to see My Chemical Romance lah....


Have you ever heard of this: when you're dreaming, your soul is actually meeting up other souls elsewhere, thus the dreams.
Personally, I dont like dreaming, because it'll exhaust me when I wake up in the morning. But dreams, after all, a meeting of souls...?


Strange things, dreams...
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