Jun 21, 2011 17:24
I've changed my layout!
Tell bye bye to Jin and Toma! sorry guys >.<
Anyway, I had to put my two new husbands here... it was a must!! *-* Mitsu and Taipi are just too <3 and also I solved some problems in the codes with colours -yeah, since December or January lol-
And more now that I'm writing a FujiKita, ot HiroSuke... how do you call this pairing? I usually call them HiroSuke, fan fic ^-^
I KNOW! I promised you a Ryopi lol and a long non yaoi fanfic, but you know? my HD has broken *cries remmebering* and anyway, I'm more to say "I'm gonna do this..." than doing it...
More things. Summer is here! Yeah!! holidays! I'll be off for about 2 or 3 weeks starting by July 4th or 5th, but who cares? will you miss me? :D I'll be probably online to check the news... Kisumai's debut, NEWS split up or not, single or not... omg, dear fandom, please, can you set up a bit? just two weeks while I'm at the beach D:
-0- more... not as good things... I'm changing my grade. Partly 'cause I want to, but also 'cause I could not stand my old one. I stopped gong to the classes, just because I couldn't. And of course I've failled everything but Japanese. So, I'm changing to Study Japanese Studies. Anyway, it was what I wanted to study for starters, so, here we go!!! I just hope I can :/ I'm actually worry about it... I don't know what I'm going to do if I can't be in the grade next year lol.
Finished. Enough. Don't want to think about it more. Just, hello, I'm alive, I changed my layout, what do you think about it, do you like it? <3