Jun 29, 2008 01:11
- 27 June 2008 -
Hola!!! Once again, went out with the bbgs. 2 weeks twice. hahaha. Starting line was at Paris. Trained down to Cityhall and off to Suntec for my interview. Done that, we zooomed to Penin since nina wanted to buy her jeans. Survey-survey and AHHHH! nina saw her "sweetheart". Thanks to me eh coz i spotted him first. loll! Hence, she took a picture with him. Again, credits to my handphone and syazia's unshakable hands. haha! Then after, headed to Orchard where we had our super late lunch at this Indon restaurant. Dah kenyang, went down and grabbed our Fried Mars Bars. Kononnyer pencuci mulut lah. The sweet course of a meal. wuahahaha! Jalan-jalan, window-shopped, blablabla....
Last resort, Starbucks at Wheelock's. Bought our drinks, lepak, chitchat, camwhore and Jeng Jeng Jeng Jeng! That was where the unsangkarable scene happened. I wanna laugh. A really loud one =p Ohoh, i wanna dedicate this to nina darling. Opppssssss! *kening naik naik* Dear, he's not my type lah although he IS cute to me. Not bad lah. loll! okok, put that aside for now. Low profile abit please.
Anyways, had enough, we chiao-ed. The finishing line. Took train with them and dropped down at Paris where i took bus 3 straight home. So, stay tuned for more pictures. I have to sleep now. Having madrasah in less than 6 hours time. Sweet dreams people ((: