I recently realised that Hey! Say! Jump! has their own logo. It was pretty cool. Each of the member has a HSJ! logo printed on their costume. So i have decided to go on a HSJ! logo hunting. I have circled the logo! Ikuzo!!!
Takaki has his HSJ! logo at the back of his 'costume' (i guess it's ok to call it costume)
HSJ's logo on Yabu's pants, easily spotted!
Hikaru's logo was a bit tricky to get. I tried several pictures but i guess this is the best i can get. (His face looks a bit weird though. I wish a had a better shot of him). Ahahaha!! The logo is on his jacket. The jacket somehow has a piece of garment hanging from it and thast where the logo is.
Inoo Kei has his on his pants as well. Easily spotted!
Ari-chan's logo is on his costume's jacket!
HSJ! logo is on Okamoto's left side of his jacket. (I wish they didn't put it there because they uses their left hand to hold the mic, so the logo kinda hidden by the arm)
Yamada's HSJ! logo was a bit tricky too because it was printed at the back-left side of his jacket! You can only see it when he turns around or when the camera focus on his left side.
Yuuto was the easiest ones too! the logo is printed on his left arm! It was the biggest among the rest (I think!!)
Chinen has the logo imprinted on the back of his jacket. It was pretty tricky! you can only see it when turns his back or twirls... (Chinen's cute, so I had to put 2 pics of him)
Last but not least, Morimoto! The logo is also on his jacket. Just like Keito, he has his on left side of the jacket (why didn't they put it at the right side anyway?!)
Woooo, this is long!! It's really fun to go for logo hunting!! It was pretty hard to find the logo on some of the members namely Keito, Ryutaro, Yamada & (sadly) Chinen. It was quite hidden on their costume!