Oct 14, 2006 14:01
My fics always focus on House or Wilson--House more often than Wilson, and both of them more often than one of them. Some of the fics are slash, some are strong friendship. Only one is rated M/NC-17 for sexual content. I like to include Cuddy as a tertiary character but I rarely write Chase, Cameron, or Foreman.
My fics also almost always include a mix of medical realism, hurt/comfort (which is never resolved with sex, I promise you), serious drug dependence (and sometimes abuse), and an existentialist/House-oriented world view. Psychological self-abuse shows up fairly often, generally on Wilson's part, and physical self-abuse occurs somewhat regularly with House.
My favorite moments in any fic are the quiet moments between characters when most of the communication is non-verbal; I hope that the best parts of my stories are those quiet moments.
In one of his books, Kurt Vonnegut gave each of his prior novels a letter grade. Seems fun, so I'll do the same.
Intervention B-
Okay for a first fic, but much longer than it should be.
Some Days are Worse Than Others B/B+
The slow beginning really hurts it, but it has some nice moments.
Of a Thursday B
Great potential which has not yet been fully realized. Also a little too fluffy at times.
The Perils of Coming Home Early C-
Unrealistic portrayal of male/male anal intercourse; definitely too fluffy.
Nothing Like the Blues to Get You Down A
This one captures the mood and the moment in a compact manner.
The Better Man C
Believable but extraneous.
Hiding B
The lack of an organizing structure negatively impacts the strong moments.
Red Sky at Morning A
The goal: utter anguish, longing, and inner confusion. Goal achieved.
Five Ways Out of Hell A
The goal: to demonstrate House's self-hatred. Goal achieved.
Worst Foot Forward A+
The tension between humor and drama plays out perfectly. This is my first really successful story.
Lent D
Saccharine crap. Fine if you like that sort of thing, but I don't.
Guitars and Video Games B
Decent for a House-reflects-on-part-of-his-life one shot, but nothing more than decent.
What Folly Reason, What Folly Hope C-
Could be better if I ever finish it. It didn't live up to its potential.
My Life in Drugs B
Decent for an unfinished piece. As with "Hiding," the lack of an organizing structure will hurt it.
Conference C
Dead-on average for a lust one-shot.
Rosh Hashanah B+
It forms a quiet, delicate tableaux. However, it may not be as realistic as it could be.
Knowing and Doing B+
Aside from the pacing and the loose threads, this story also succeeds. One could argue that the ending is a cop-out, though.
Alphabet Soup for Passover C+
Hasn't lived up to its potential yet.
Judging Distance B/B+
I never got a good handle on the voice and pacing in this one, but I like its quiet moments.
The Inside A-
As an experiment in writing first-person POV, it's fairly successful, but it remains somewhat unwieldy.
Meeting F-
Throw a dart at ff.net and you'll get something like this. I should delete it. Actually, I should be shot for posting it at all.
An Ordinary Evening in Princeton B+
Proof that studying for exams over the summer really got to me. Unbalanced but fun to write.