Apr 25, 2006 15:32
Well I hate myself people, I don't know what to do anymore. I lvoe my girlfriend with all my heart, I do and I cannot imagine my life without her. She completes me!!!! I just hate the way I am feeling. Why can't I just get over it already. Well today was okay it ended good, but I just keep making her angry and what if I push her away from me?!?!?! What if I get on her nerves and she doesn't want to be with me anymore, I don't know what to do anymore. I am tired of feeling like I am hurting people when I am not trying to. I don't want Holly to be the reason why Jess and I break up and i don't want to feel bad about being happy. Ari makes me feel so bad and I wish she didn't ahve that power anymore. She needs to move on like I did. i am tired of feeling like it's my fault all the time. I have just been so sad lately because the shit just keeps piling up. Am I a good girlfriend or do I just complain too much?!?!?! Who knows but I want everything to get better for me but yeah i had to let that out so im out for now,. Until next time....#6