Mar 18, 2009 17:05
My annual St. Patricks day dinner with my cousin and a couple of close friends expanded quickly and out of control last night. a dinner of 4 turned into about 9 and my stress level went up to match. My hip pain last night was beyond intollerable and i broke down and took round three of meds to find 2 hrs later it not touching it and getting worse. Needless to say, my patience is a bit shorter when i'm hurting his bad so when some of my friends and children where literally bouncing off the walls i quietly excused myself outside to go smoke. Choking her wasn't an option i was told. But despite it all it was a nice evening and new friends got to meet old friends. A new friends did a bind rune to help with the pain and today it is at a tollerable level with medication. for his help i am eternally gratefull. Especially this is the friendship that was dented over the weekend. We discussed alot yesterday, hashed a few things out reset some boundries and i'm quite happy with how it turned out in the end. The next two days at work will be minus a large number of people thanks to them all being basketball lovers so that should keep life interesting.
I haven't updated many people on my son. This year he went to Iowa State regional spelling bee and place 21st out of 32 and was eliminated in the 3rd round. Yeah him. He also participated in the math bee and won't tell his father and i where he placed other than in the top 50%. He made it to the Knights of Columbus regional spelling bee this year as well and i haven't heard how he did. Last fall he played YMCA football learning alot from an organized sport. His team won all four games they played. The beginning of this year found the 6th grade school teacher winning out and having him retested for ADD/HD. The doctor found him borderline but the teacher requested he be put on medication (for the first time in a year in a half) due to his figiting being disruptive. So overall he's grown, like at. Up to my nose tall and doing well.