Knee Deep In Your Memory 1/1

Sep 05, 2014 15:51

Title: Knee Deep In Your Memory
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Author: Sxymami0909
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Scott/Allison, Stiles/Lydia, Chris Argent, Kira Yukimura
Word Count: 4,079
Request: from Anonymous on Tumblr - Chris somehow resurrects Allison and she returns the first day of senior year to find how much has changed since she passed. Yet one thing that’s stayed the same was the feelings she had for a certain werewolf.
Summary: It had taken him close to a year, but when he found it Chris Argent made his way back to Beacon Hills and with the word of Enoch, used the power of the Nemeton to bring back his daughter. But is the town of Beacon Hills ready to welcome back its fallen hero? Or has too much changed over the course of a year to welcome her back with open arms? (Title from ‘Can’t Go Back’ by Former Vandal)

(The night was cold for California, a balmy forty degrees in late August. Chris Argent shifted the bag on his shoulder as he glanced up at the sky. The glow from the full moon beat down on the Beacon Hills preserve as he trudged through the woods, flashlight in hand, boots hitting the ground with heavy footfalls.)

fanfiction, show: teen wolf, pairing: scott/allison, pairing: stiles/lydia

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