You can take the girl out of the trailor trash park...but not the trailor trash park out of the girl

Jun 07, 2005 18:02

Let's see, where did I leave off at last time...? Hell if I know? Today is Tuesday. I am off today. Whoo-hoo. I hate this scorching heat that just sucks the life out of you the minute you step out of your house.

Things that cross my mind...

No matter how bad one tries to change who they are inside, and some make a damn good effort at it, they can never change who they really are...whether it is better or worse.

You get what you put out.

I had someone tell me yesterday I would never match up well with a blue-collar, considering I was raised in a very white-collared world. Now how does one take a comment like that? It could be offensive, or a compliment. Depends on what side of the collar you are on!

I recieved a lectured from Provo. Of all the people in the world to tell me I was too good for anyone around here! I laughed. I said, Really? She continued to tell me I had too much of a heart and I used it and gave it away too much to people who never appreciated it. I told her she was one of them! She said she knew that. Just exactly why she was telling me about myself. I looked at her with dispare in my eyes and she told me who ever ended up with me was a damn lucky bitch. Shock now in my eyes, I just dont understand the people around me?

I ask myself why the fuck really did I ever move to this place? Overall, there has been enough heartache and pain to go around like 10 lifetimes! Why should I even bother to stay for another 10? I have been here now 12 going on 13 years and honey, that is well past my time frame living in one place! I am well overdue for a change. I need to move again and get the hell out of dodge. Would that be considered 'doing the dodge?' Nah, I just want to get the fuck away from the trifling personalities I have met in the last 13 years.

I wonder where I will move to next? I could go to Florida. I dont know about all the hurricanes though. I will never go back to VA. Heaven's no. Texas is good. Not close enought to a beach though...beach, beach, California might be good! However, it might sink into the ocean. Hey, at least I will be near if not in the ocean! hahahaha!

Well, if anyone has any idea's...please give me some...

tah-tah for
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