I'm in ♥ with a stripper!

Feb 20, 2006 20:02

001. Name: Megan
002. Nick name: Meg, Megz, Lil Allor
003. Single or taken: I don't know right now. =/
004. Place of Birth: Warren
005. Zodiac Sign: Gemini
006. Male or Female: Female
007. Your last name: Allor
008. School: None right now.
009. Occupation: Sitting at home on my ass.
011. Your sn: sxylilshorte143

__Your appearance___

012: Hair Color: Blonde, red, brown.
013. Hair Long or Short: Medium.
014. Eye Color: Blue.
015. How do your nails look: My pink nail polish is chipping off.
016. Height: 5'1
017. Do you have a crush on someone: Yep
018. Do you like yourself? Sometimes I do.
019. Braces? Nope.
020. Think you're hot?: When I want to be.
021. Piercings: 7 in ears total, and belly.
022. Tattoos: Nope.
023. Righty or Lefty: Righty.

___Your 'Firsts'___

024. First Kiss: Jeff Heitz.
025. First make out: Bruce Hamby.
026. First best friend: Alyssa Pontine.
028. First Sport You joined: Gymnastics and dance at Step n' Out.
029. First pet: Missy my lil beagle
030. First vacation: Florida.

___ Favorites___

033. Movie: Hustle n' Flow
034. TV shows: Family guy, The war at home, Real world, Laguna Beach, The Gauntlet.
035. Color: Hot pink.
036. Music: Rap
037. Song: Poppa Roach- Scars.
038. Food: Hani from National.
039. Drink: Jager duh!
040. Candy: I don't eat candy.
041. Sport To Play: Basetball.
043. Brand Of Clothing: Bebe is my all time favorite, but it's too expensive!
046. Animal: I'm gunna own a monkey one day.
047. Books: Dancing on the edge.
048. Magazines: All the girly magazines.


049. eating: Nothing.
051. Mood: Blah.
052. Online: Away.
053. Listening to: MTV.
054. Thinking About: Alot.
055. Wanting To: Have a job.
056. Watching: MTV.
057. Wearing: Comft pants and a T-shirt.

___Your Future___

058. Want Kids?: Someday.
059. Want to Get Married?: Yeah.. not anytime soon though.
060. Careers in Mind: Something with law.

__Which is Better With The Opposite Sex___

067. Cute or Sexy: I think cute.
068. Lips or Eyes: Eyes.
069. Hugs or Kisses: Kisses.
070. Short or Tall: Taller but not too tall.
071. Easy going? Oh yeah.
072. Romantic or Spontaneous: Both.
073. Fat or Skinny: Skinny, but not too skinny.
074. Sensitive or Loud: Sensitive, I hate loud people.
075. Hook-up or Relationship: Relationship, hookups are a waste of time.
076. Sweet or Caring: Both, but not too nice and too caring.
077. Trouble Maker or Hesitant one: Trouble maker.

___Have You Ever___

078. Kissed a Stranger: Yup.
079. Drank Bubbles: Nope.
080. Lost glasses/contacts: Yup.
081. Ran Away from home: Nope.
082. Broken a Bone: My wrist! =*(
083. Got an X-ray: SOOO many.
084. Broken Someones Heart: I don't know.
085. Broke Up With Someone: Yep.
086. Turned Someone Down: Yep.
087. Cried When Someone u know Died: Yup.
088. Cried At School: Yeah.

___Do You Believe In___

089. God: I think so.
090. Miracles: My dad's a miracle : )
091. Love At First Sight: I dunno.
092. Ghosts: I dunno.
093. Aliens: No.
094. Witches: No.
095. Heaven: Not sure.
096. Hell: Not sure.
098. Kissing on the First Date: If things are going right, why not make them better?

Hmm.. what was fun. NOT. Haha.
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