Aug 20, 2003 20:39
alright, here I go...
Life seems to be taking me into a tornado of reality. Funny how everything appears so dream-like.
I am 23 and so unbelievably happy with my own little world. It's so freakin good to know I will never fall victim to depression. Only once did i need to experience that, everyone does in their teenage years. Except those damn cheerleader-types. Everything has potential to make me laugh, well at least smile. I laughed my ass off for getting freaked out by a spider the size of a pencil eraser. Christ who wouldn't when the little bastard jumped at me. Okay so happiness is the key, we all know that, or should.
I feel so in control of my life, I have finally gotten over the need to do things just to make others happy. I realized it's okay to say something doesn't sit well with me. Yeah something very simple, most people understand this from early on. Just took me a little longer.
My *boyfriend* Tim, has really made me see things from a different perspective. He is so understanding about things and doesn't get weirded out by much. I got exzema on my hand and it started to look pretty nasty. He didn't care, he still held my hand. That meant more to me than he knows.
We are planning a trip to New Orleans in October. He used to live there, and wants to get his belongings and bring them up here. He wants me to meet his sister, who seems to be the only decent one, besides him, in his whole family. I think this means alot to him. Oh jeez, this relationship is what I have dreamed of. I won't say it's perfect, nothing is ever perfect. But I have to say its better than anything I have ever experienced before. The guy I was with for three years could never even come close to what Tim means to me. What can I say, my boy understands me.
So things a so flippin great, job is... well... a job, very stressful right now. A new catalog is coming out next week and i have to have the web updated before the end of friday. Can I make it? This question seems to be the theme for me this week. But YES of course i can, I'm Super Mary! :)
Mary-land is a merry place to be, too bad everyone can't be here!