Apr 18, 2005 01:54
A lot to type, but I will try and make it short. Last week was hell at work. Wednesday QA came..they come twice a year. It's usually one lady who goes around and watches you with the kids, and makes sure your doing everything right. They also look how clean everything is. Sooo many things have to be perfect, and be done perfect. Well she just shows up..no notice. I was actually in a the Toddler room that morning. And I barely know some of the lil' kids names! But I kept it cool, and did good when the lady went around. Well I'm used to it by now.
Then at 12:30ish that day we got some bad news. A little girl Erin, who went to our school. I had her 2 years ago, my first year working there. And her two little sisters are still there. One who I have this year in Pre-K. Well anyways..she has been suffering from brain cancer since she was 1yrs old. She just kept getting sick. The year I had her she was actually doing pretty good. But it just kept getting worse after that, and coming back. She passed away Wednesday morning. It was a big, and sad thing..because everyone knows the family very well. And a lot of teachers had her in their class. They are the strongest, sweetest family I know. And Erin was a VERY sweet girl. She was soo good, and so strong. We sort of had it coming because she was not doing good at all the past 6 months. They had to take her off the steriods because it really wasn't helping her, and she was suffering.
I went to the viewing today with 4 other friends from work. I can't go to the funeral tomorrow morning because of work, so I had to show my respect..and love by going today. It was very hard. I've been to one viewing before. And never a funeral. They had posters with a lot of cute pictures of her life, and family. And as we are waiting in the LONG line we got closer, and saw that it was an open casket. I wasn't sure if it would be, but it was. I started to cry a lot. Then when I went up to the casket I kneeled down, said a prayer for her and touched her cute lilttle hand. She looked beautiful. She was holding a necklace, and had some other cute stuff around her. It was very hard to see her. But peacefull in a way too. Then I hugged the Dad(who is so sweet), said I was sorry, and that I loved having her in Pre-k. And that she is an angel. Then I talked to the Mom for a little bit. We held eachother's hands and she told me that she had a peacefull death. She didn't suffer. So I was happy to hear that. I told her that she is an angel now. It was hard for me to talk to them, I was so upset, and crying. It must be so much harder for them. But they were so sweet, and strong.
RIP-Erin Moore <3
Well enough of the sad stuff. Before the viewing I had to go to Kate's Bridal Shower(we've been co-workers for 3 years now). That was nice. I love her, but of course at work she can bother me a bit. It's too much to get into right now. But it was nice. I couldn't stay long. But they understood. Justin and I are going to her wedding July 3rd.
Well it is late, and I have more on my mind...but maybe I will update tomorrow. I had a big day today, and a big day tomorrow. =(