Jan 22, 2003 01:50
when boredom hits..I do stupid shiot like this:
1) Nosey people
2) People who dont give you a chance
3) Scars
4) Tears
5) Heartbreakers
6) Healthy food
7) Having to go to the dentist
8) Bloody gross movies
9) Having a broken heart
10) Not being able to say goodbye
11) Quick judgements
12) School/Homework/Grades
13) Making mistakes u can't fix
14) Death
15) Feeling sick
16) Little siblings
17) Walking into a room, and forgetting why u did.
18) Having to say goodbye
19) Wishes that don't come true
20) Wanting someone you can't have
21) Bug 'cause they piss me off
22) People who take things for granted
23) Being shitty at guitar
24) Myself
25) Murderers
26) People that act like a band, and dont really know em
27) People who ruin things for me
28) Slutty top 5 ftj girls..oops, I forgot i was #3 once..haha
29) When rich people win the lottery
30) People that drive really slowly
31) People that drink and drive
32) Censorship
33) People that stab you in the back
34) DISTANCE!!!!!!
35) Being lonely
36) Being broke
37) Knowing you love someone more than they love you.
38) Wasting money on really bad movies.
39) Buying c.d.s and realizing they suck
40) When your dreams come crashing down
41) When things aren't the way you thought they were
42) When what u want, isn't what u need
43) Being looked down upon
44) Wanting to leave a place soo badly, yet u can't.
45) Guys who beat up their gfs and wives
46) Child Molesters
47) Movie critics
48) People who cheat on you
49) Ex-boyfriends
50) People who take communication for granted
51) Wondering if you said something wrong
52) Having the feeling someone is behind you
53) Having no one to talk too
54) Missing the past
55) Losing touch with close friends
56) Waiting
57) Surgery and the emergengy room
58) Fake people that like to put labels on people
59) People who base everything on looks
60) Thinking so much, u feel like u go crazy
61) Wanting approval and regonition
62) Being uncertain about my future
63) People that think I'm too old to go trick or treating
64) When you realize you miss a spot after shaving
65) Papercuts
66) People who use me
67) Forgetting what your gonna say or do
68) Cramps
69) The fact that you can never really be sure of anything
70) Liars
71) Wishing you could have someone, but can't.
72) Lust without love, love without lust
73) Seeing so many wrongs in the world
74) No matter how much you love someone, you can't fully protect them all the time.
75) Wondering if this is all for nothing...