Nov 14, 2003 12:00
it's so freaking addicting that i hate it because i feel the need to express myself and rid myself of burdens but i really cant because a lot of ppl that cause me distress read this stupid thing.this is my total little rant let me start off with is not enough that the have to charge me an almost $7 service charge...but even if i want FREE shipping i have to pay an extra $3 handling charge...what the hell is up with that??? fucking $10 extra for a concert ticket?? I dont care about hte serivce charge but dude..ticketmaster WAKEUP we are BROKE college students! $10 can buy me lunch for a week...geez...ok onto rant #2- Britney Spears. So everywhere I turn I see Brtney Spears..the media blitz for her new CD is beign disgustingly oversdone. I think that MTV is having 3 specials or I'm watching her on dateline and they were showing all those pictures she took for ESQUIRE and all I could think about is how fat i feel when i see that and how i wish iwas as skinny and as pretty as her....but yeah...i wish there were chubby girls like me in the spotlight so some of us know you dont have to be a tiny size 2 to be "hot"...ok enought bitching for one night....oh yeah i hvnt talked to kevin all still mad at i over reacting??