Jan 14, 2006 22:10
Hey it is me I haven't written in here in like a yr wow. Well, alot of shit has happen in my life. Friends have come and gone like the wind. Skool sucks big monkey balls, n I have a new job cuz my last one fucked me over. But I like this new job it is all family. Right now, I am waiting for my best friend to come down. She's gonna sleepover n do some things. U kno the whole gurlie things, summon ghosts, photograph them u kno all that fun stuff. So she just called n she is stoppin down soon. I'm joining another fire house which is fun fun. I hope I get in. One thing I do hate so much is this fucking valley everyone knos bout every1 business n I hate that shit. Cuz they tell my rents everything, who I'm hangin wit to who I'm dating. I hate it wit a passion, I really do. I sumtimes just wonder wut would it of been like if I went to another skool like out of state or sumtin. I dunno. Well my friend should be comming soon, so I'm gonna head out. TTYL guys buh bye