Jul 10, 2004 08:01

I have the worst case of hiccups ever right now! They hurt like a mother and I can't get them to stop. It's really making it hard for me to type. Well, anyways, I'm kind of waiting for my brother to get off the Playstation 2 so I can play for a while so I'm on here wasting time, as usual. OWWW! And hurray, I popped my elbow and it was very painful. I'm having a great B-day! (not) First, my brother, Eric, had me stay up with him so he could play the PS2 until 11:00 last night. Then when we went to bed, I had to sleep on the top bunk, which makes me very uncomfortable. When I laid down on the bed, it hurt my back and I couldn't find a comfortable position. I couldn't fall asleep until a half an hour before my dad came in and woke us up to say that he was going to work. Then I couldn't fall back to sleep because Eric was begging me to come downstairs with him so he could play the PS2 again (he doesn't like to be in a big house in the dark all alone). Well, sorry to bother everyone with my lame commments on how my B-day is turning out rotten. I'll write back soon. Love yall and God bless!
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