its my last hours of working here at the hotel.
its been three years.
its been an awesome experience and i have really loved working here.
i'll miss some good friends that i've made working here.
i'll miss the guests. they really are great.
this morning a lovely lady who didn't even know i was leaving, gifted me a rose leather ring in thanks for my customer service and help to her over the past few days.
one day this will all add to the manifestation of my dream to own and run my own Inn.
i'm feeling a bit melancholy yet i know my future holds fortune and great experiences now within reach as my
Healing BodyWerks studio is now open to the public for massage and reiki and i've also secured a position as an LMP at
a clinic on capitol hill in Seattle.
ahh.. it is busy here atm.. i'll write more reminiscent stuff later ;)