Lila is stressing me out. she crawls now, and i am happy about that. but she is getting into everything.! and if she doesn't get something she wants she throws a fit. squirms. kicks. arches her back. cries. it gets to the point where i just put her in her play pen and leave the room. she'll cry for a few minutes and then either start playing with her toys, or go to sleep if she's tired.
i am looking for someone to watch her. i finally found a link with a lot of home daycares in my area. i collected some numbers and addresses. i need to start making calls but before i do i want to drive by a few of the places... maybe it's narrow minded but if the house looks like crap from the outside i don't even want to see the inside. that will help me narrow the list down. then i'll make the calls and inquire about fees. that will narrow it down even more, since i can't afford very much. and then hopefully i'll find someone who is accepting children right now and will treat lila well.
i'm nervous because she is hitting that bratty age and everyone handles it differently. i dont want to send her to someone who will hurt her physically. i know i'm being paranoid though so i try not to think about it.
Last night austin came by to spend some time with his god daughter.... i think he's glad she is finally active and crawing around.. he got on the floor to play with her.
and her nakey time... boy does she love her nakey time! just lika momma.
she is going to be so spoiled. how can i say no to that cute little thing?