Jun 30, 2002 00:14
Man today I was still all YAY!!!! like from the night before so work wasn't really that bad even though it was quite boring.... All I could think about all day was going to see you and then hittin up that show. Being home sucked just because of all the stupid shit I had to help with.... After all that b.s. was done I finally made my way over to Rachel's house to get her so we could rock that show! It was rather good except for threefold.... They were horrible and had no energy what so ever in their music.... I was actually getting into the show until Justin kept calling me, he was calling to tell me that they did a joke on me and not to be pissed off about it since it was just a joke.... Well they or I should say Joe decided to be all stupid on me about Rachel.... So he proceeded to write a bunch of b.s. on my truck using shoe polish. Well haha, the staff at the castle got Justin's license plate number and whatnot and was basically waiting on the owner of the truck. So he gave us the option to call the cops or not and while I was pondering this I was laughing my ass off.... To top it off Joe's stupid ass spells Rachel's name wrong(Racheal) and he decides to be a smart ass to me for his fuck up.... Justin was so scared because he would get in trouble while Joe would basically just get a "Bad Joe, don't do that again." So if I decided to be a jerk Justin would be the one suffering for Joe's stupid fuck up.... That piece of shit already had me pissed off but for wasting our/my time with having to take that shit off I was pissed off and really wanted to beat the shit outta him, not that I already didn't wanna punch him in the face for questioning me being sXe and telling me what I was and whatnot.... But because of him Rachel and I had like no time together what so ever.... Rachel now fucking hates Joe which I don't blame her at all, I mean I still wanna beat his ass ust for being stupid. I could have been a dick and told the guy to call the cops and Justin would have been fucked, but I decided to be the better person and said no, I'll take care of it in my own way. We then met those fuckers at a Chevron where I became a fucking dick to Joe and rightfully so dammit!!!! Justin owes me his fucking life in my eyes for not fucking him over the way Joe does constantly.... But I got a little miticulous with Joe about my truck, fucker.... He was getting pissed off because I was being a dick, but oh well, FUCK YOU JOE!!!! I don't mind losing your friendship but Justin is cool and has been so far, you have just tried to fuck me over to many times and have fucked over your so-called "best" friend many a times.... Joe fucking ruined our night like no fucking other, that piece a shit!!!! No matter what I still wanna beat his ass, but I'm gonna do what Rachel told me to do and not do anything to him. That also shows that I'm the bigger person for not doing anything to retaliate on his stupid ass.... Fucking Joe, stupid fucker even threatens me if I decide to call the cops. Fucking moron! But yeah the night was fucking destroyed! Playing with my new toys didn't even seem to help that much but it did a little.... I'm sorry Rachel, I'm sorry I have asshole friends, or friend, whatever.... I'm sorry....
I'm sorry....