
Oct 07, 2007 22:10

"yeah i've been hurt, i'm damaged goods
don't get me wrong i've fought through the pain
learned, grew, dealt with so much
gotten over, forgot, lived through much
but that doesn't mean the scars are gone"
not sure when i wrote that but lj saved it so thanks lj

All's pretty good right now,
recently i got a job at Caesarland
so if you're ever in East Lansing and feel like getting a pizza that isn't cut right
stop by. I work two days a week, Monday and Wednesday, which isn't bad or good, but it feels pretty good the be putting some money in the bank. And yes, it's not under table so i'm paying taxes.
School's going okay, haven't skipped a class yet, and the blocked scheduling is actually working to my advantage.
Jess and I are still kicking, we've been able to see eachother every week since school has started, and that has worked out pretty well. The time we get to spend together has been great, filled with random occurences of getting slurpees, driving to the capitol, doing crosswords, and other activities. When we are together, it's like nothing can stop us and it makes me so very happy to feel this love. This month is her birthday, our anniversery, and sweetest day.
Counting down the days until the end of the semester, it's hard to believe that the semester is already half over.
In music news, the website is up and kicking again with new mashups. Spirit week was this past week and as resident PR guy i worked my magic and Chris over at culturebully.com said he's written something up on us and it will be up sometime this week apparently. Looking forward to a concert that Sean and I will have in my basement sometime over Christmas Break, you're invited if you can speak English.
A new episode of the sketch comedy show i'm on should be done in about two weeks or so, and even better looks like it will be played on Comcast local access in south east Michigan. keep an eye out for that.
i think that's all, if theres something i've missed or you want to know about, lemme know.
Hope all is well in your neck-o-the woods
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