Jun 14, 2005 22:09
New Layouts rock. I did it on all three..... except live journal. Liz did that for me. Liz is awesome.
Anyways. Today was....... interesting. Got up and went to Best buy. I got the new As I Lay Dying cd. Pretty darn good, what else would you expect from those guys? Went to Arby's for lunch. I love Arby's. Best freaking fast food there is. Hands down. No other competitors. Thats it.
Anyways, then I went to work. What was supposed to be one fountain turned into ten pools, which is fine cause I had nothing better to do than work. While at work, we were driving and Lucas rear-ended a lady, after she rear-ended the guy in front of her which made that guy rear end the guy in front of him. So it was a four car pile-up. Yay. Just soooooo exciting. Luckily no one was hurt which is good. Then after that we went and loaded all the junk into another truck and finished the route. It's amazing. Daniel leaves cause his wife has a baby, and the whole company is starting to fall apart lol. Not really, but he does his job pretty well.
While at the dentist I found out that he homeschools his kids and that he is part of Christian Heritage. So I called him a sinner cause they are my homeschool groups rivals. The lady actually was nice to me today. Didn't yell at me for not flossing, that made me sooooo happy.
So work was interesting. There was one pool that was really gross. Lots of algae all over. It was crazy thick and green. Gross stuff I would not want to swim in that pool. I find it ironic that the first day I work with Lucas we are in a car accident.
When I got home I took a shower and ate dinner. I don't really like the stuff we had, but that's alright, it's better than nothing. Then I called Sarah to check up on Daniel, and to talk for a few minutes. Only for a few minutes though cause she is in the middle of finals so she's doing alot of studying and stuff. After that I work on the new layouts for all my junk. Wonderful.
I just got X-men Legends for my PS2. It's a pretty good game. It's a pretty tough game. I'm still getting a hold of the controls and mastering controling all four characters. It's good to have another RPG. I think after this one I am going to finish Pandora Tomorrow, and then restart Kingdom Hearts but play it on hard this time instead of normal.
I'm also reading Red right now. Excellent book, in an excellent series. Ted Dekker is such a good author. Three was flipping amazing. If you haven't read Three, go buy and read it. It is soo flipping rad. Heck just anything by Ted Dekker will be good.
Dudes, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou is freaking awesome. Go rent it. NOW. The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind was amazing too. Anchorman was good, but I dunno its just didn't settle well with me. I think its awesome how all of these independent films are getting like these awesome actors to do their films. I think its because popular hollywood hasn't come out with anything original in years, so they turn to the indy stuff to get something fresh. Thank God. The indy films are like a breath of fresh air in the movie industry. Gosh I am so sick of all the crap that comes out. I don't remember the last time something came out that was half-way original. So thats all I have to say I guess. Later kids.