The Blair Bitch and other adventures...

Jan 30, 2004 00:46

Hey y'alls!!

In a manner that is typical to Rob, adventures and fun were had with the simple request to meet up with a friend for a smoke. I drive over to my friend/fag hag Tanta's place to meet up with her and Stef for a smoke so that they could ask me if I could help The Boys get kegs for their Superbowl party this weekend since I'm not quite as vehicularly impaired as they are. Next thing we know, off to the Gatineau Hills we go...

I love taking little spontaneous adventure style road trips like that. We had a camera on hand cuz I never go anywhere without a camera with a roll of film in it, and an extra in the event its close to full. Our first photo op was the Wakefield Dragon. It's this GINORMOUS snow sculpture in this lil Quebec town nestled amongst the Gatineau Hills called Wakefield. I believe we were searching for either a covered bridge or the Wakefield Moulin Inn or somejizz like that. The next photo op was the water tower type thing next tot he Wakefield General Store. The meanderings continued along back roads and service roads and when we thought we were hopelessly lost, a right turn while we were heading Northeast brought us South o.O

We travel back in towards Hull and we stumble across *gasps* a funeral home/ Stef and I have Tant take a picture of the two of us in front of it. We were like practically knee deep in snow. I took a picture of Stef and Tant pointing in the direction of Farm Point...which required a spontaneous reversing of the car and a pulling over onto the shoulder. We were hunting down a church to take a picture in front of. Which we found. Tant and Stef are in the entranceway for a pic I took. Then they thought it would be humourous to put me next to the Virgin Mary and take a picture (the slut with his arm around the virgin kinda deal). Then homeward bound we went.

Although we never found the Blair Bitch of was still pretty eventful...and I'm sure if we had a bit more time we woulda found her...There's always next time....
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