Sep 11, 2009 16:40
Where to begin. I hardly write anymore so when it comes time to I usually have a shit load.
We went up north last weekend. My first time to Tom's property. We plan on going up again in Oct 2x, and we're going for Thanksgiving. Yeah, I know we won't be with our 'family' but we're our own little family and we usually just go to his Granny's house anyway and do no celebrating with mine. I figure its a good time to go because Tom gets those 4 days off of work so it'd be worth the drive, plus he can hunt. I drove all the way there and back when we went. I get kinda car sick, especially when he drives for some reason..and the sickness amps up when I'm pregnant so I just figured it'd be better for me to drive. It was the longest I've ever drove before, wasn't too bad though. It was kinda boring up there though because we had to stay at a hotel in town and go to his house the next day because the electricity/water wasn't on .. It will be by the time we go next month though.
Zoie is officially a big girl now. My mom called me last week and told me about a bedroom set my cousin had for her..which included a white canopy bed. I always loved canopy beds and wanted one when I was little. Not to mention it has matching stuff for it, and its in great condition. Really, Zoie didn't need a new bed because her crib converts into a toddler/day/full size bed so she could keep it forever. Well the crib we got Ryan only converts to a toddler bed so we decided to sell her crib and give her Zoie's bed. For 2 nights and 2 days (since she takes a daily nap) she has been sleeping in her toddler bed :D I swear.. She has been such an easy baby. I really contribute that to letting her cry it out a little when she was younger and getting her on a schedule.. Babying her every time she crys would make her not be so independent. She is such a little miss independent I love it. Anyway.. She transitioned to her toddler bed great, she still goes right to bed like she did in her crib and she sleeps in it all night. I was worried about switching her. After about a month of sleeping in her toddler bed, I'm going to switch her to her new canopy bed .. Which we don't have yet but I think we're getting it next weekend. The next milestone is potty training.. I can't believe how fast my little girl is growing up!
I have been sick this week.. Ugh, its been terrible. I've really been wanting to knock out my homework early (as I have been the past couple weeks) so that way I can enjoy my weekends without that weight on my shoulder. We have a birthday party tomorrow (sat) ..which I didn't even buy the present for yet, and my mom is flying in tom night. Sunday we're having a family get together .. My mom is going to be here for a week. I don't really get to see her that much so I'm excited about that even though she drives me crazy when she does visit us Lol. Zoie cracks me up.. She is so used to talking to her Nene (our familys name for grandma lol) that now she picks up the phone and says "nene" or every time I'm on the phone she thinks I'm talking to nene.. Which is usually the case, I hate talking on the phone!
In a little while I'm going to my mother in law's house for pizza for dinner.. Works out great for me because since I haven't been feeling great I don't feel like cooking. And thats all folks :P