Current mood:
Current music:
"Homicidal Thoughts"_-|-_I dreamt it up at the mall
Sam and I went to the mall and found Rue (oreeeeeooooo), who was drunk. We were buzzzzzzing around all day at the mall and we had THE most fun. God, I l-o-v-e hanging out with you guys, I really do. Sam had to tell me "You're bi. Get over it." It still hasn't really hit me yet. I've always liked boys and girls, but I never really considered myself bi. We were laying on the sidewalk and Rue just started looking at us weird. He said "why don't you guys just give up and go out with eachother?" But Sam is with Scott *HI SCOTT* and I'm... yeah... Us and Rue just kinda sat together today. It was nice. (not nyyyyyce... just "nice") Sam got all freaked when I put my arm around her shoulder. (btw, I do this to everyone, regardless of our sexual orientation), but she puts her arm on my shoulder all the time. Thoughts?
Oh yeah. we saw Sarah and her cousin. Oh, how we scare her cousin. AND Rue is going to Brazil in January with a group of ```H`O`T`T``` Brazilian dudes who have their undies hangin' out. I comment on thier undies as we walk by.
THE LIST (in no particular order)
- Angelina Jolie
- Amy Lee
- Marylin Monroe
- Various mall chix
- EVERYONE in Kittie
- Drew Barrymore
- Brody Armstrong/Daille
- Juliya (Fuse vj)
- Lisa Kudrow (Pheobe on Friends)
- 80's Madonna
- Kelly Osbourne
I know I'm forgetting a lot... Add the rest, Sam.
I love, love, lovvvvve you. Right now I am loving everyone. bRITT ; 9