Now that I've worn out, I've worn out the world..

Jun 11, 2006 21:59

So today was uneventful. Had an obligatory family thing at the grandparents', boring, but I managed to start Twilight for the third time (after finishing it for the second time there, too). I have to get to back to Em, and might be seeing her Saturday.
Also finished up two ISU's.

Saturday was spent downloading music and working on the ISU's.

Friday was job shadow.  Chef Dan was really nice! As were all the other employees. He likes to joke around, and sing very loudly. It was a very relaxed atmosphere, once I got over my nervousness. He did yell once, but someone had really screwed up. He told me before it happened that he almost never yelled, and after that it was the loudest I would ever hear him. He was perfectly nice after, though.
There was a cute boy there. Cute, but dumb, sadly.
He made me a pizza to go.

I actually thought that Dan and I agreed I would stay until 10, but he let me go at 9 because the rush was over. Then I got home, checked my notes, and I had written I was supposed to stay until 9. Ah well. But anyway, it wasn't nearly as terrible as I thought it would be, certainly not worth all the nervousness or worrying.


Tomorrow I get to present my Business project in first, and then my Religion Diana project in second. Yay?

I'm getting a little better, but still sick.

My room is still a mess because I haven't had time to clean between coughing up my lungs/my love affair with the Kleenex box/ all the projects.
Sam sent me a link on a job site. It was for Gilligan's, as a short order cook. No experience necessary, which is pretty amazing. It said wages were negotiable, which probably means minimum wage. It would be great experience, but I'm not sure if I want to give up my summer. We'll see. [Insert coughing here.]

8 school days left! I can't believe it. Of course, that also means I have to start studying for my Business exam, as it will be the most painful. 8 days until freedom [plus exams, but shh]! It doesn't feel real yet.

Things seem to happen all at once. Hmm.

I hope everyone's weekend was good. I should probably head off to bed before I'm yelled at.

Spiders in my hair, and guns on my mind. Thinkin' about the people who've been so unkind. If looks could kill them, I might make myself blind... lala..

Goodnight, world. Have a hug.

And the moon's never seen me before, but I'm reflecting light...
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