(no subject)

Feb 21, 2006 08:20

life is gettin worse-er & worse-er for me everyday
mums a gay WHORE.. & akldsjfhasjkdlfhasjkldhfjklas i just hate her
she pisses me off so much
she calls me immature
but she never gives me an example of when im being immature

dfjkgasdfasd davids being all gay again
he stole over 2 grand american from his nan - & now hes gonna get busted cos my mum knows
so shes gonna tell kathy (davids mum) so my friendship with david will b over
he msgd me last nite sayin "my life he over"
& i think he mite do something that he is gonna regret!
any advice would come in handy

in conclusion LIFE FUKING SUCKS!!
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