Gah, it's been so long since I last posted. Life got super busy, and I kind of fell into the habit of being a lurker instead of a poster.
I was cleaning up my computer today and found the beginning of a fic that I started writing years ago, when I was still in my Akame phase. Now, of course, Akanishi is married and has a kid and that fic urge of mine kind of fell by the wayside. But again, I found the fic (or part of it since most of it was lost when my USB died a horrible sibling induced death). I figured, what the hell, might as well put it on here since I have nothing else to do with it. I don't want to just trash it.
The thing Kamenashi Kazuya (better known as simply Kame) feared most wasn’t getting too old that Kitagawa would retire him or gaining too much weight that he couldn’t fit in his concert jeans that were already two sizes too small. No, his number one fear was worse than both of those combined.
What Kame feared more than anything were fangirls. And not just any fangirls either. The ones he feared weren’t the delusional shut-ins that liked writing about him in compromising positions with other men. No, those he could handle.
The fangirls Kame feared were the stalkerish types that ran marathons just to get in shape for idol chasing.
Now, Kame wasn’t too clear on the details of how he’d ended up with at least a dozen girls chasing him - and he didn’t exactly care as long as he got away from them - but he figured that his current situation could most likely be blamed on one Nishikido Ryo. Ryo, who actually liked the fangirls, and made sure that he always had their attention wherever he went. Of course, how was Ryo supposed to know that the random mob of girls were fans of Kame’s instead?
At this point, however, Kame was too busy running for his life and praying to every deity he could think of to save him from his impending rapage.
Rounding a corner, Kame lost his balance - seriously, did someone just trip him? His arms pin wheeled uselessly before he tumbled into the strategically placed manhole and down into the sewage under the city.
Just as he hit the murky water, the manhole cover slipped neatly into place, encompassing him in darkness.
I kind of really want to finish that fic, even though I don't see much Akame anymore (maybe I'm just not looking in the right places). I shouldn't, especially since I have no time to work on it, but I feel guilty for leaving it sitting there for so long. T_T