May 11, 2009 22:01
I'm in the process of bleaching my teeth, and it kind of sucks. The bleach kit is one I had made almost a year ago and stopped using because the bleach always got out of the molds and burned my mouth and made me physically ill. So, I'm trying it again, but am using less bleach. So far it's not so bad, but my tongue is starting to tingle. I don't think that's a good sign...
So, I downloaded this new game called Maple, but it's not working properly. The game says that it is not compatible with Vista, which kind of sucks. It still plays, but within a few minutes, my attacks don't affect the baddies, and then I'm disconnected from the server. It seems like a really fun game, but it's getting on my nerves with the incompatible issues.
I need someone to play tennis with. Since I left school, I don't have my tennis buddies anymore, so I have no one to play with. I guess I could con my brother into it, but he seems to be connected by the hip with his new girlfriend, and I don't like her much, so that's probably a no go.
And why in the world does it take so long for World of Warcraft to download? It's been downloading for hours and it's still only to half a gig of three and a half gigs.
On another note, does anyone know how to delete journal posts from the memories section? I accidently added one two times, and I'm completely anal about these things, so I want the other copy of the story out, but I can't figure out how to do it. Technology completely pwns me.
Geeze...I'm ready to take my bleach molds out. Well, only twenty-one minutes left!
And Vanderbilt, why do you cost so much?! You will break my wallet for the next fifty or so years...
world of warcraft,