May 06, 2009 14:58
I just realized that I completely neglect my old fandoms when I find a new one. A little over a month ago, I found KAT-TUN, and it seems that everything has been about them recently (which it really has). I've barely read anything about Tenipuri since then, but I'm trying my best to slowly move back into that fandom because it was my first musical (well, Tenimyu not Tenipuri) fandom (but not my last), and I love it so much. To do this, I need to start editing that Tenipuri fic and get it up on my journal to see if that helps. Or maybe I should go back and watch the Dream Lives. That should help!
In other news, I a) finished my finals, b) aced all my finals, and c) have been informed that I slept through a tornado this morning. O.O That is so like me. I love tornadoes. Well, in the sense that I love storms and everything that goes with them, and I just love to watch the sky when tornadoes are near. I'm sad I missed it. (Yes, I realize that this is weird.)
Graduation is Saturday, so I'll be going to visit my nephew shortly after before heading home on Sunday. Home, I miss you!
I also need to go pick up a Mother's Day present. I'm neglecting my mother. I'm such a bad daughter.
Last night, I watched the first episodes of RESCUE and Konkatsu! Both very, very good shows! I recommend them to everyone. Nakamaru-san and Ueda-san both show such wonderful emotion in their acting and it makes their performances so believable. It's amazing that over in Japan, musicians do so many other things besides just singing while in American, musicians can hardly do anything that is outside of their music. I know that I've seen a lot of singers in America try to act, and I just wanted to smack them and say never, ever do that again. And look, the subject ended up coming back over to KAT-TUN. I knew I wouldn't be able to stay away from them.
I wish luck to everyone who has finals this week!