Feb 26, 2004 16:28
hey....am maDd hyper...ummm i havent updated in like a LONG ass time!! ive bEen sOoOo buSy doin thiS and that...welll ummmm mii week wuz bOring ummm....yesterday jOdie came to MMS!!! shes sOoO niCe and kOoL!!ummmm yesterday kUzma wuznt there so we were being very badd kids...lolsz shaMe on uS...lmao me and charLie were like throwing bOokS at each other and now i have a scratch on mii fOrehead from him ...it hurted... ='( weLl i fOund out ALOT of stuff i shuda neVer fOund out becauSe there r lOts of secret that were kept frOm me...well ummm today i wuz a bad gurl and ummm then mii tummy hurt like the whole day.. am bOut to go soo buh byesz xOxO lylas ur shOrtneSz----> syLwia