
Jun 13, 2004 19:44

ok, i realize i have neglected my fun random question game as of late. (yes, eventually, i will make a REAL update-like post ( Read more... )

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lannagayle June 14 2004, 02:39:04 UTC
Oh man, you're asking for a novel. Okay, here goes.

I was raised both Jewish and Baptist. When I was young in North Carolina, I attended church with my mother and father every week. We celebrated Passover and Chanukkah and Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashana (can never spell that). We were much more Christian then. Then we moved up here.

Dad is a minister and when we moved here, he had a congregation. He preached every Sunday. I was baptized. My faith in God and Jesus was high. I sang solo's in church in front of everyone and knew every word. I was very, very involved (well, as much as an 11 year old can be). I turned to God because I didn't have a lot of friends at my new school. In fact, I was kind of an outcast. I had lots of enemies, people who teased me and hurt me. Anyway, moving right along.

Mom's faith was gradually slipping away from her belief in Jesus as the Messiah, so she tried out a few temples in the area. My family and I wanted me to have a bat mitzvah. Traditionally, the children's religion is determined by the mother's religion. Therefore, I am Jewish because my mother is. My children will be Jewish because their mother is. Ezra's children won't necessarily be Jewish even though he is. Anyway. We started going to temples on the high holidays and whatnot. My parents had meetings with the rabbis of some of them. No one would accept me as a Jew because I had been baptized. Thus I felt shunned from Judaism as a whole. Why would I want to be a part of a religion that didn't want me. I was extremely bitter about this and I still am, to an extent. It doesn't help that they are prepping him for his Bar Mitzvah and they're doing it all behind my back. And I have been "forbidden to be involved", verbatim from my mother. Anyway.

I was confused by religion entirely. My faith slipped from both Judaism and Christianity. I stopped going to church and I refused to go to temple. But I did go to all my friends' Bar and Bat Mitzvahs, as well as my cousin's. It was really hard for me because I felt like it was being rubbed in my face.

Since then, faith has been up in the air. Have I always believed in God? Yes. Have I prayed everyday since I was young? Yes. But I wasn't sure why I was doing it exactly.

Over the past few years, I have found my faith in God and Jesus strengthening. I consider myself both Jewish and Christian, but they conflict. Either Jesus was the son of God or he wasn't. And I believe that he was. To tell you the truth, I'm sort of afraid to go to church now, even though I shouldn't be. I'm shy. Oh well. I find myself trying not to date Jewish guys (cuz theres so much pressure from both sides about marrying someone Jewish.), though I do date them on occasion.

Now I attend a Roman Catholic school, the strongest one in the country. Things are gradually coming clearer in terms of religion. I had a very powerful experience watching Passion of the Christ. it strenthened my faith in Jesus even more. I do, however, consider my Jewish roots very important to me. I don't know enough about it though, which makes me feel like I don't fit.

Because I am curious about religion and faith, I am a Religious Studies major. I start my main classes for that in the fall. I'm very eager to see how they will be. When I know enough about all the religions out there, I think my faith will become clearest. And thats that.


swtrthnwn June 14 2004, 02:53:50 UTC
you didn't ask me a question back, stinker.


lannagayle June 14 2004, 03:00:23 UTC
Oy. Fine. What is the most embarrassing song on your playlist?


swtrthnwn June 14 2004, 03:30:17 UTC
well, the dr. demento - does your chewing gum lose it's flavor song that you JUST sent me isn't ON my playlist, so ha.

i would have to say "thug passion" by tupac or "i wanna sex you" by color me badd. i say the tupac song cause i actually LIKE it and angel laughs at this fact and can't believe i have it (i am not really into rap) and the "i wanna sex you up" cause everyone LAUGHS at me (everyone KNOWS this song, it's from the early 90s maybe, but no one will admit to liking it, or to having it).

and you don't like avril lavigne, but i have some of her songs, cause i like the sound of them, i don't care about the artist, but i like the songs.



lannagayle June 14 2004, 03:37:45 UTC
Avril is the devil! ::sings:: "I WANNA SEX YOU UP!" hehe.


swtrthnwn June 14 2004, 03:47:06 UTC
see, YOU know the song right? everyone does! but everyone is ashamed of knowing it. but not me, i am not ashamed of having the song, and i will play it for all to hear!! (i would sing it, but i'm tone deaf)


lannagayle June 14 2004, 04:53:50 UTC
Haha, of course I know it. And yeah. Sing it! :)


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