Dec 29, 2004 13:45
I would blame by lack of journal entries on my usual sluggish slacking off behavior BUT, in fact, I have been productive over this holiday season. As many may know as I greet them with a "good afternoon, Delta Marine, this is Nicole," I have been working at my dads business operating the phones and organizing paperwork. I'm trying to rise over the classification of a poor college student and its going pretty well considering. In the last few weeks I have also conquered the Christmas season as well as my big 19th B day. Santa must have thought me such a brilliant wonderful child because I received all types of gifts. Mostly clothes, a glimmering ring, pool cue to whip the boys in shape, and some cash to spend irresponsibly. My birthday went as planned except for the wish of snow that was hoped for and didn't arrive. After breakfast with my family, my friends and I met up at Pogachas (great restaurant) in Issaquah. Then the night was finished off with a reunion of BCS friends at the club Element. It was in Seattle and the dance floor was crazy. There was a live DJ, flashing lights, and a whole lot of scandalous dancing. It was great seeing everyone and I was overjoyed by the amount of people remembering it was my bday. ahhh thanks guys :). But anyways, I have greatly enjoyed the past few weeks home and I can't wait for New Years, the next big event. Hope everyone is doing well, and gosh, I really should be better on updating, maybe that will be my new years resolution gone easy. I'd like that a whole lot better than dropping coffee or sweets. Well back to work! Hi ho hi ho, its off to work I go, lalallalalalalallala Hi Ho Hi ho