Wasted away...

Dec 17, 2006 21:27

1. What is your favorite beer? Mich Ultra, Corona Lights, whatever I am feelin <--- I agree with you, Pam!

2. What is your favorite liquor? Vanilla Rum

3. What is your favorite shot? Jager Bomb

4. What will you NOT drink? Tequila

5. Are you a "hard ass" when it comes to drinking? Not me

6. Do you like the drinks with the little umbrellas? Sure do

7. Do you ever drink Bacardi Silver? Not that I remember...

8. Do you like frozen drinks? Yep

9. Do you drink liquor straight? Nope

10. Do you ever drink out of the bottle? All the time

11. Have you ever drank a jagerbomb? Many

12. Are you drunk right now? Can't say that I am

13. Do you consume more than 2 alcoholic beverages a day? Not usually

14. Do you drink a lot of wine? I'm just getting into wine...

15. When's the last time you drank? Cafe Tu Tu Tango on Black Friday

16. Have you ever thrown up from drinking? Once...After Beer Fest

17. What happened to 17???

18. Do you feel horny when you drink? Depends

19. Ever done a Keg Stand? Not yet

20. Name someone that will repost this. I don't know...Maybe Eric

21. Ever been streaking while drinking? No

22. Hot tub/pool naked b/c of alcohol? Ummm...No

23. Failed any college courses due to alcohol alone? No

24. Ever hooked up w/more than 1 person in a night b/c of alcohol? No

25. Ever woken up & said "dude where’s my car" and meant it?
Yes, but I wasn't drunk =)

26. Ever carried someone up & down a flight of stairs due to their inebriation? Yes! Just a few though...::Cough::David::Cough::

27. Have u ever taken the shirt off your back to clean up a friends puke? No

28. Puked in a friend’s car? Nope

29. Puked in a friend’s house? Don't think so

30. Ever drank more beers than years you were old in one outing? Drinks...But not specifically beer
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