Apr 27, 2006 22:37
Throughout my lifetime, I have come to realize that existing humanity has not yet come to better itself nor does it seem as though we're getting any closer to establishing world peace. Looking back in history, it seems as though we we're so primitive, yet the United States has claimed its place in the throne as "world leader." But what exactly has the United States exceed in? Surely we have excelled in several arenas that has monetary values, but what about the people? Are Americans truly greater, in that we are more intellegent, capable, or more competant than the rest of the world? Surely this must not be the case, for if we value excellence then our country wouldn't be in a state of a frenzy. We are a service nation, we pride ourselvse in our services. Though our companies claim to obtain a huge amount of assets, a huge amount of these assets are unearned revenue... why?
Because we have quickly transformed to a society that is so focused on a particular area of expertise. We no longer are independent of other countries, we DEPEND on other countries to sustain ourselves. We are no longer self-sufficient for we specialize in certain areas and our quality of living is dependent on the state of our economy. Sometimes, I wonder why I bother to criticize our government, for there's an endless list. I just wish the government would worry more about their own citizens before worrying about the well-being of other countries. Surely it is our job as a world leader to help other countries that is in need of our assistance. But to be in a country in which the people do not support our inhabiting their quarters is quite an intrusion on our part. We have come so far, yet have learnt very little. Yet, as I've remember a former instructor of mine has quoted, "Are we at a BRINK of war? And if we are, is this another Vietnam?" Clearly, it is impractical and almost naive to compare two wars back to back, yet if we cannot seek the lessons in our own history, then where do we go for guidance? And if history is truly written by the winners, then how do we seek the truth?
We have come so far... yet we haven't took a single step forward.