Nov 17, 2006 11:00
i didn't have to go to my student teaching today because we went on wednesday instead. that gave me the time that i hoped to sleep in and to finish some work that i haven't turned in yet. instead, kevin called me at the time i would have woken up today had i gone to my student teaching, and told me to get up later to buy a ps3 at costco since he was falling asleep and couldn't stay awake. -_- sadly, i spent an hour on the website and didn't get the darn ps3 into my cart. i was so disappointed. i could have made some money. i just did some calculating and i only have a little over a thousand dollars left for now till the end of the year. that's about $144 per week. it's going to be difficult to do since christmas is coming up and all the holiday shopping is right around the corner, not to mention i'll be home with kevin so we'll be going out a lot. /sigh. i actually thought i did okay this quarter and hadn't spent that much.
in other news, i woke up early yesterday to fry dumplings to bring to our morning class for potluck. i'm glad it was all gone by the time class was over because after having to cook it in the morning, finish my homework, get ready, and make sure i wasn't late for the bus, i just didn't want to eat the darn thing anymore. it's odd. i cook a lot now but you know when you cook, you're supposed to taste it before it's done so you know whether to add more sauce or flavoring. i never do that. i always think about doing it, but i never want to because cooking spoils my appetite. while i'm cooking i never want to eat it anymore, even if i'm super hungry beforehand. after i finish though, i eat. but then it's too late to change the flavor once it's off the stove. at least so far, everything's been tasting alright...
i can't wait to go home tonight. i'm so bored. i have work to do but i don't want to do it. mainly because i know the teacher doesn't mind if i turn in it later because he's way behind also and hasn't given me feedback on my draft copy i sent in at the beginning of the quarter. and since everyone else's final copy is supposed to be in and he has to check, it'll take him that much longer. i just have to make sure i send it in before the quarter ends so he can give me an A. -_-
the class that i take pass/no pass i'm getting 100% in everything. i don't spend that much time on the work anymore and i'm still doing super. i wanted to see if i can pass the class even if i don't turn everything in, because then i don't have to do any of the work anymore. =P
i'm doing my miniPACT the day after Thanksgiving break. apparently, they just finished multiplication and are now starting on division. so i get to set up the intro to division. it feels like such a huge burden. -_- i have problems with pacing. i can't get everything in in time. i always take way too long on my lessons. /sigh. but, i'm going to have to figure out something with this stupid miniPACT thing and hopefully, get some fun ideas for teaching division. arhghgh.
it's cold up here. winter's coming.