Leavin' on a jet plane....

Mar 04, 2009 00:33

Yo. I'm still here! Still busy! I'm frantically packing, procrastinating, packing, getting things together, packing for NEW ORLEANS to see ISO and JENY. OMG. I'm so excited! You have no idea how much running around I've done. I haven't checked LJ in ages and I feel so behind!!!

BUT BACK TO PACKING THINGS TO SEE ISO. OMG. YAY!!!!! Next time I post, I'll be in New Orleans. With ISO and Jeny. FLAILING LIKE MAD. fja;sldkfj;aslkdfj;laskjf;asldfj;aldsfkj;aldsfkja;ldsfkj;asldfj;ladsjf;ladsjf;ladsjf;ladsjf;ljadf;ljadsf;lja;ldsfj;ladsjf;lasdjf;lafdj

This means a long weekend of fun, laughter, ISO and JENY, bachelorette party madness, drinks galore, banana fosters at Brennan's, dinner at Palace Cafe, clubbing, dancing, girl talking, sexy dresses and fierce makeup, and a whole lotta fun.

Gotta finish packing, shower, and sleep before going in to work for a half day. I'm flying out at 2:30pm, so watch out for random text messages from me as I WILL BE STUCK in Vegas for 2 1/2 hours without interwebs. woe.

procrastination is key, flying to unknown places is fun, some of my favorite things, leader janai!, too busy to breathe, fangirling knows no bounds, insanity is catching, hooking up with familiar strangers, isooooooooooooooooooooo, omg squee!, party like there's no tomorrow, it's all fun and alcohol, time to do a whole lotta nothing, hot shoes make it sexy, gonna make it worldwide!, dancing, go club get drunk, lazy lazy jemz

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