shabzilla and I were flailing like mad talking about Jin and him being on cartoon KAT-TUN.
and we decided, WE WANT FIC. Of Jin rubbing it into Nishikido Ryo's face that Leah Dizon is this week's guest. Forget Yoko and Leah. It's all about Jin rubbing it with a cackling laugh into Ryo's face who will pout greatly and find an excuse to be on KAT-TUN's set and try to stare at her in a fanboyish way. And Leah winking at Jin and thus making Ryo insanely jealous.
Or just plain Jin/Ryo. Of any sort. Or Jin/Ueda. Ueda wiggling happily at Jin or where Ueda is just ecstatic to have Jin back and is more calm after doing Jin's hair.
or something like that. Come on, my JE flist. Help a girl out. :D